In Finding Our Resolve.

I’ve been physically exhausted over these past several weeks. Starting a new endeavor is never easy, though I certainly didn’t expect it to be ‘this bad’. Sometimes, I wonder – if I ever truly had the resolve?

Doubt creeps within the shadows of our hesitation. Like ink through water, it finds its way through the slightest means.And though I’ve traveled this path a million times before, inevitably I find myself asking:

How much more?

“Life will have it’s unexpected turns,” Ajahn Brahm writes. “When life is good, do not take it for granted. It will pass. When life falls apart, this too will pass.”

All things must pass. The good, the bad…the greater challenges. Though it may feel different, the vastness of the moment never changes. Before us only the condition of our choices. Do we stand as sentry to an often unforgiving story? Or, do we allow ourselves the blessing of this expanse?

“I am free and that is why I am lost,” Kafka explains.

Though our choices are seemingly limitless, they are meaningless without the clarity of knowing. Knowing ourselves, first – yes. But, more so, knowing the application of peace within each sacred moment.

Our awareness grows like ripples in concentric bands across the water. At first, a tightened cast. Though, in time, it’s raised edges slow – and we find the placement of our breath. We are the giver, and we are the taker – ‘how much’ we offer is our only choice.

In peace, my sweet friends –

Namaste ❣️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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