The Warrior Within.

“You are a warrior when you have the bravery to face who you are, without fear, embarassment, or denial,” writes Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. “This warriorship is the basis of the spiritual path.”

I remember the first time reading his words. Chaos gripped the world around me – my marriage, my job, my failing health. I wanted to effect a sense of freedom, but every choice I made led me deeper into the well.

When I was younger, the world seemed tailor made to my whimsy. In those days, ‘mistakes’ we’re merely an aspect of discovery,

‘Mistakes’ quickly displaced by discovery and no problem greater than the next Saturday morning. If only I could travel back, returning to a simpler time.

When we are younger, we understand our role as an agent in our own happiness: we see a tree, we climb a tree. Though we may experience fear, nothing is ever truly beyond our reach.

Sadly as the years pass, we feel less in control – our happiness derived not by choice, but rather by circumstance. And, believing it to be a phenomenon external to self – we begin our chase. In time, losing track of ‘the basic harmony of being human.’

Just a child racing through a field, our joy is realized through this part of doing. In being honest with ourselves, and brave enough to face the true heart of the matter – we begin to disentangle decades worth of inner dialogue. Apprehension, fear, hesitation – no longer our sole consideration.

“Sometimes it is very frightening,” he shares. “But on the other hand, when you take this step, the whole situation, the whole journey, makes sense. You have to actually do it, and then you will understand.”

In every single passing moment, we both are *and* we become.

In peace, sweet friends…

Namaste ❣️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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