Why We Do.

When I was a little girl, I loved to write. Particularly sitting nearest the water’s edge, listening to the sounds of the creek coming to life.

The idea of wrapping thought into word both excited and intrigued me. As the ink flowed, I’d watch their tempoed pacing come to life on pages once barren to human view.

And in their wake, the gloriously unexpected – a sharing of heart through newfound connection. The impact of which might never be measured – for, how does one assess the effects of human kindness?

Though, would you believe a teacher once discouraged my course – humiliating me in before a class of my peers. “Ugh, why even try?” she droned with disapproval, “You know you’ll never amount to anything anyway…”

Truth be told, I nearly stopped writing – believing my thoughts not ‘good enough’ to be heard. Twenty years later, a dear friend pulled me aside – “You must write. You simply must.”

So, I did. And, everything changed – a community formed as hesitation relinquished.

That’s when I realized the answer was within me all along:

I try because I love. I do because it’s needed.

My darlings, in life there will always be these external forces trying their best to dissuade from this path before us.

That’s when the heart most speak louder, my loves. That’s when faith must carry us through.

Because, in the end, my dearest loves … it’s our actions which define us, not another’s ‘truth’.

In peace, my darlings ~ I love you all…

Namaste ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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