Tag: purpose

A Resting Spot for the Soul.

Each of us carries the story of how things might have been; the burden of wishing we might have done more – the regret of not having engaged.

We wrap our thoughts around the exceedingly mundane; from “I wonder what they’re thinking” to “How will this bill get paid?”

In this racing pattern of ever-present thought, we see only the cycle – never the means to break free. Does the pattern delight? Does it soothe? Or, are we merely powerless to effect a change of this seemingly great magnitude?

I suppose I have the same worries at all. Though, right now I’m watching the clouds shift their shape to allow the sun room to grow.

Yes, there are problems – some greater than we’ve ever known. But there is also a place for the soul rest, a space between for the heart to find its courage.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

What Makes Us Human?

What makes us human, my loves? Is it the passion which lights these trails of empathy, or the strength of will within?

Is it the resolve which compels our purpose, or the readiness to take action?

We find ourselves often at these crossroads of consciousness and realization. The path we choose defining our way, but more so contributing courage. To that which remains at times unseen, slipping from humanity’s view.

We are but one, the collective ‘we’ – and, none without the means to infuse the energy of righteousness and kindness, my loves. It is both the grace and amplitude of our being.

What makes us human, my dearest loves?

It is the inescapable draw of our connection.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Why We Do.

When I was a little girl, I loved to write. Particularly sitting nearest the water’s edge, listening to the sounds of the creek coming to life.

The idea of wrapping thought into word both excited and intrigued me. As the ink flowed, I’d watch their tempoed pacing come to life on pages once barren to human view.

And in their wake, the gloriously unexpected – a sharing of heart through newfound connection. The impact of which might never be measured – for, how does one assess the effects of human kindness?

Though, would you believe a teacher once discouraged my course – humiliating me in before a class of my peers. “Ugh, why even try?” she droned with disapproval, “You know you’ll never amount to anything anyway…”

Truth be told, I nearly stopped writing – believing my thoughts not ‘good enough’ to be heard. Twenty years later, a dear friend pulled me aside – “You must write. You simply must.”

So, I did. And, everything changed – a community formed as hesitation relinquished.

That’s when I realized the answer was within me all along:

I try because I love. I do because it’s needed.

My darlings, in life there will always be these external forces trying their best to dissuade from this path before us.

That’s when the heart most speak louder, my loves. That’s when faith must carry us through.

Because, in the end, my dearest loves … it’s our actions which define us, not another’s ‘truth’.

In peace, my darlings ~ I love you all…

Namaste ❤️

What is Your Purpose?

What is the purpose of this life, my loves?

More specifically, what is the purpose of your life in the context of this much greater whole?

The first of the two questions is by far the easiest to answer. Though, the second –ah, that’s where we often struggle.


Because, each day serves as testimony to our continual life’s journey. We are born, and we awaken each day — newly formed. The shadows of night lifted only by sun.

Within the catalyst of changing season, we find our own self reflected — knowing even the most barren of branch hold the promise of bud.

In this life, we are both the promise and the potential; our ‘reality’ a composite of the choices once made.

“I have been and still am a seeker,” shares author, Herman Hesse. “But I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.”

So, then – what is the purpose of this life…your life, my darlings?

For me? It is to seek and then to share all vestiges of love.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

This Blessing of One.

Let this life happen, my loves.

The good, the bad, the often confusing – the marveled wonderment. It comes to you with noble purpose ~ a deepening of gratitude and a lesson in resilience.

Passing through with no more permanence than shooting star. Though the memory lingers, as delicate imprint onto cusp of morn – and, asking nothing in return.

These memories beat like “second heart” – capturing the essence of who we are.

The good, the bad, the often confusing – the marveled wonderment; welcome them all. Knowing awareness comes through this blessing of one.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Where the Wild Horse Roams.

Author, Deepak Chopra once wrote, that there are no accidents – rather, only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.

To that end, I suppose we’ve all wondered our purpose here – at times with great clarity, though often obscured. Our vision impacted only by our capacity to ‘see’.

What do you see, my loves? Do you see a soul graced with the tasking of higher power, or do you see fear instead in its place?

So, often hesitation impedes our journey; we envision failure before we allow the course of possibility.

Though, can you imagine if we altered hesitations order?

My darlings, on this day I encourage you to take great risks – to engage an aspect of self yet undetermined.

In doing so, we enable the legacy of purpose. We allow ourselves to be just as we were intended to be.

Like the wild horse, we must roam.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️


What Is Your Message?

I’ve often wondered the purpose of our being. What is it that compels intellect, empathy…awareness? Why are we gifting this blessing of ‘knowing’?

There’s a story I quite like shared of civil rights activist Mahatma Gandhi. A journalist pursued him through a crowded train station, eager for a story. Despite his pleadings, Gandhi politely refused.

Finally, as the train was pulling away the journalist called out from the platform; “Sir! Sir! Tell me your message for the people.”

With unassuming smile, Gandhi shouted his reply;

“My life is my message.”

Gandhi’s life message was that of peace; inspiring the entirety of a nation to respond through non-violent means.

In many ways, the actions of our lives serve as testimony to purpose – bearing ardent witness to the truth that lies within.

My darlings, each day we are gifted this opportunity — to allow the actions of moment to ‘speak’ on behalf of our words.

And, knowing – “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

A little something to consider, my loves ~ and, if I may ask…how will your actions today demonstrate your hopes for tomorrow?

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

As We Believe.

I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose, my loves. Specifically, what compels the actions of heart? And, what motivates the will of man?

Life is filled with unanswered questions. We look to tree, and wonder its source. We contemplate the illusion of light dancing against the water’s edge. Each day, we struggle with the chaos of finding our place; and yet, within – the heart always seems to know.

“Amor fati…” her words lift to softened breeze, as we consider this unfolding of path.

Dostoyevsky once wrote that the mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for. In this way, perhaps – all of life is a quest; a journey towards the enabling of spirit?

There are infinite possibilities, my loves. And, with each we are gifted a magnificent choice – to follow the heart wherever it may lead.

“And all the time your soul is craving and longing for something else.” He continues. “And in vain does the dreamer rummage about in his old dreams, raking them over as though they were a heap of cinders, looking in these cinders for some spark, however tiny, to fan it into a flame so as to warm his chilled blood by it and revive in it all that he held so dear before, all that touched his heart, that made his blood course through his veins, that drew tears from his eyes, and that so splendidly deceived.”

My darlings, this is what it means to believe.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

What Is Your Why?

“Never forget your why,” he said to me.

We were standing at the ‘bow’ of the USS Arizona Memorial, a super class of battleship once considered unsinkable. We watched as its remaining oil bubbled and spilled into the surrounding waters, a reminder of the 1,177 lives lost that day.

“Never forget why,” he said, once again. It was the first time I’d ever seen my father cry.

Though his words were hushed, the message was clear. I could hear the unfolding of emotion in his voice, over 50 years worth of ‘memories’ – images of the war-torn European battlefield.

I’d always wondered how my father survived. When we think of the battlefield, we see images from the movies — Hollywood’s interpretation of what the solider experienced. Though, the truth is — the weather conditions were brutal, at best; soldiers continuously forged through waist deep snow and sub-zero conditions. And, the supply lines were never intact — some might fight for days without a scrap of food.

I’d always wondered, but knew to never ask — as those images were the ones that pierced the night.

In life, we must always have a reason and purpose, my loves; some innermost validation that reconciles breath with the challenges of moment.

It’s that why which will shepherd heart through even the darkest of night.

“Life belongs to the living,” writes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. “and he who lives must be prepared for changes.”

It is the primary core of our existence, this belief — and a catalyst for that which lends context to purpose.

So often, we view our world through the shards of broken moments. In doing so, we fail to appreciate that much fuller view.

We all have difficult days, my loves. Though, when we hold our ‘why’ close, nothing is impossible.

So, darlings if I may be so bold to ask — please tell me, what is your ‘why’ today?

For me? My ‘why’ always carries me here.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

The Lesson of Tree.

I was looking out to the trees this morning. A Willow brushed its ‘fingers’ against the pond, while the Great Oak stood poised in deepened reflection.

In looking out to the trees, we do not judge – rather, we appreciate. We cherish every paled, weathered branch and with open heart, cast ourselves fully into its changes.

And never asking how or why, because we already know…

Every tree must forge its own roots.

While some are content to hug the path, others must reach precariously from mountain’s edge. And still fewer yet, strive to become “poems the earth writes upon sky.”

Because, ultimately the tree knows its path…

And so, without regard to fate or purpose, it scales the heavens with grace and resilience.

Knowing its destiny resides within a single seed.

A little something to consider, my loves ~ our truth is ours alone to discover.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️