Which Do You Choose?

My darlings, in this life – we’ve an opportunity.

A cascading of moments, really – each glorious in their own right and recognition, and with the purpose of either improving our world or making it worse.

And, that choice is always ours – now, isn’t it?

Whether we are consciously aware, or not – trust that one will inevitably claim its space. Yet, oftentimes – we fail to appreciate, just how much impact we have on the lives of others.

“Life is similar to a bus ride,” shares author, Chirag Tulsiani. “The journey begins when we board the bus. We meet people along our way of which some are strangers, some friends and some strangers yet to be friends. There are stops at intervals and people board in. At times some of these people make their presence felt, leave an impact through their grace and beauty on us fellow passengers – while on other occasions they remain indifferent.”

Indeed, some may come into our lives – and we are forever changed. Others, are simply passersby along the way.

And, the only difference between the two, my darlings – resides within our willingness to connect.

Still, though science and medicine have proven our physical relationships – we struggle to find the heart of our kinship. And, in that struggle we simply pull away.

Pulling away is much easier, don’t you think? To observe versus to engage.

But, what is the cost of this really?

In walking away, we lose touch with the promise of humanity. We lose touch with the better part of being human.

We have a choice to make, my darlings – we can choose to make this world a better place, or continue on, undisturbed.

And, so my question for you on this day, my loves is:

Which of these two do you choose?


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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