Tag: path

When Pathmaker and Pathfinder Become as One.

I remember as a child placing my hand upon a snow encrusted elm.

An unexpected winter storm had ravaged the area leaving the surrounding trails largely unreachable. Save for one, where the downed tree had graciously offered its service.

I saw her first from a distance, her shattered limbs marking a faint outline of the path’s ‘former self.’ And, hinting at the dangers yet to come.

I should have felt fear, but as the howling winds whipped across my half-frozen cheeks I could think of only one thing…

My appreciation for that which is not often seen, and moment which are often missed.

As I lay my hand across the roughened bark, I felt an undeniable connection. For a fleeting moment, I lost all sense of ‘self’.

That’s how it begins, you know – our growing awareness of our unity and connection. Reminding us that sometimes we are both path-finder and path-maker all at once.

This is the way nature’s lesson unfolds.

In peace…

Namaste ❤

How We Find our Way.

“There is nothing more submissive and weak than water,” writes Lao Tzu. “Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong nothing can surpass it.”

Though seemingly simple in its approach, it shares with us a foundational teaching – likening the passage of water to the flow of human spirit.

Nature thrives through a complexity of paths. Some, man made; while others are more organically forged.

In the latter, nothing is forced in haste. Patience yields what the trowel can not. Even the mightiest of rivers will bend to suit the will of a greater flow. And in its path, a flourishing of life’s inherent capacity to persevere.

Just as the water, we must allow ourselves to be. And in this being, we too shall find our way.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Through Fall’s Open Road.

I watched the leaves shift in the morning breeze.

At the highest bough, they lingered — eager to tell this manifestation of change. Within which, a burnished red with coppered hue, and a gold – quite simply, heaven sent. All telling of these riches to be shared.

At no other time, does the earth provide itself so freely; a gentle yielding to open soul.

I walk in solitude, yet never alone; this path ahead forged through knowing.

That we are, at once, all of the same — energy and motion of the Divine’s loving grace.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Who Will You Be?

“And that other self,” inquires poet, Jane Hirshfield “who watches me from the distance of decades, what will she say? Will she look at me with hatred or with compassion, I whose choices made her what she will be?”

Such a powerful inquiry, wouldn’t you agree, my loves? The retrospect of compassion’s heart, and the willingness to engage life’s adventure.

We whose choices determine the fate of each unturned stone. How will we look back? With patience, kindness…regret?

And these moments which pass? Shall they slip like sand through weakened hands or, become like fertile soil?

We whose choices define the very depth of soul, how shall we look back?

With resignation to moments lost, or thrill for those resurrected?

Day by day, we build this path; cobbled from the quarry of all which has passed and forged from the fires of circumstance.

We are defined by our choices, my dearest loves – and our senses refined through view.

A little something to consider on this day – and, a question:

“Who will you be…?”

In peace, dear hearts…

Namaste ❤️

The Wisdom of Our Wee Warriors.

When my daughter was much younger, she came racing up the stairs.

With tear-stained cheeks and a puffy red face, she cried “He hit me back!!”

As I remember, it was some scuffle over a favorite toy. Though, more importantly, it was her first introduction to the theory of ’cause and effect.’

“What you put out there, always comes back to you,” my Mother would say. And, do you know – she was right every single time.

Think of yourself in a recent moment, where things didn’t go quite so well. Perhaps it was a moment of anger or disgust. Or, maybe – fear found the means to nudge its way in.

In that split second, we lose our connection. We forget our place on choosing which path.

And, that’s what it really boils down to, isn’t it? For on any given day we are presented with the choice of determining our interaction with this world.

“Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back,” the Buddha shared. “but choose always the path that leads to wisdom.”

The Buddha offered that this life is ripe with challenges, but – that our ‘suffering’ is but one choice within it.

Choose the path which leads to wisdom. That is to say, use the struggle to raise inner awareness.

This is how we learn. This is how we grow. This is how we transform our technique of interfacing with an often complex world.

“Did you try asking nicely,” I asked, leading her by the hand. And, when her brother saw her tiny tears – he didn’t hesitate to share.

And, in one of my proudest Mommy moments he said to her, “Lexy, when you hug me – I’ll hug you back.”

Perhaps a little something to be gleaned from the hearts of our littlest planet dwellers – that is, when you place love into this world…love is what surrounds you.

Namaste my loves ❤️

Which Do You Choose?

My darlings, in this life – we’ve an opportunity.

A cascading of moments, really – each glorious in their own right and recognition, and with the purpose of either improving our world or making it worse.

And, that choice is always ours – now, isn’t it?

Whether we are consciously aware, or not – trust that one will inevitably claim its space. Yet, oftentimes – we fail to appreciate, just how much impact we have on the lives of others.

“Life is similar to a bus ride,” shares author, Chirag Tulsiani. “The journey begins when we board the bus. We meet people along our way of which some are strangers, some friends and some strangers yet to be friends. There are stops at intervals and people board in. At times some of these people make their presence felt, leave an impact through their grace and beauty on us fellow passengers – while on other occasions they remain indifferent.”

Indeed, some may come into our lives – and we are forever changed. Others, are simply passersby along the way.

And, the only difference between the two, my darlings – resides within our willingness to connect.

Still, though science and medicine have proven our physical relationships – we struggle to find the heart of our kinship. And, in that struggle we simply pull away.

Pulling away is much easier, don’t you think? To observe versus to engage.

But, what is the cost of this really?

In walking away, we lose touch with the promise of humanity. We lose touch with the better part of being human.

We have a choice to make, my darlings – we can choose to make this world a better place, or continue on, undisturbed.

And, so my question for you on this day, my loves is:

Which of these two do you choose?

The Path We Choose to Keep.

“Remind yourself, in whatever way is personally meaningful, that it is not in your best interest to reinforce thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. Even if you’ve already taken the bait and feel the familiar pull of self-denigration, marshal your intelligence, courage, and humor in order to turn the tide. Ask yourself: Do I want to strengthen what I’m feeling now? Do I want to cut myself off from my basic goodness? Remind yourself that your fundamental nature is unconditionally open and free.” Pema Chödrön

I was inspired by a quote from Pema Chödrön this morning – a reminder, that in whatever capacity of our being, our truest nature is to be free.

So much so, that we inherently yearn for it – this vast, open space of feeling completely relieved. We crave the simplicity of an unencumbered life, disentangled from the same old habits which are keeping us from our freedom.

And though, mindful of our longings – still we succumb to these patterns of emotional reactivity, metaphorically ‘raising our voice’, when our simple wish is to understand.

So, how do we stay centered in those moments when our ‘being human’ threatens to pull us away? Certainly, there’s no avoiding this volatility of life. And yet, we cautiously ‘hug the banks’ of a river that is continuously changing. Perhaps, too fearful that we might be swept away.

We watch as the waters shift…forcing new path where the ground crumbles in. We may feel apprehensive and uncertain; perhaps, unwilling to watch as new patterns emerge…terrified to let go of all that we’ve ever known.

But, isn’t it in these moments of stretching past our limits that we finally discover a little something worthwhile?

As Ani Pema says, “It’s as if we are always at a crossroad, continuously choosing which way to go. Moment by moment we can choose to go toward further clarity and happiness or toward confusion and pain.”

In the end, my dearest darlings, it’s all about which paths we choose to keep. One takes us nearer to happiness, and the other…pulls us away.

And, we alone must ultimately walk that path.

Choosing the Path of Purpose.

My darlings, a beautiful passage this morning from the venerable, Thich Nhat Hanh. It is a reminder of the inexhaustible joy realized through a path of service.

“To bring joy to one person in the morning,” he begins “and to ease the pain of one person in the afternoon. We know that the happiness of others is our own happiness…We know that every word, every look, every action, and every smile can bring happiness to others. We know that if we practice wholeheartedly, we ourselves may become an inexhaustible source of peace and joy for our loved ones and for all species.”

I’ve always been drawn to a path of service. Even as a young child I remember feeling this ‘need’ to reach out to others. To share with them, my love – to help alleviate their pain.

At times, that need was quite nearly unbearable – alleviated only by the smile of another human soul.

Indeed, to bring joy to another – to practice with wholehearted compassion; is to become a source of unmitigated love.

So, my darlings, if I might ask – which path do you choose today?

For me, I choose this path of purpose.


On This Path of Peace.

I read something rather lovely this morning; a suggestion to become a bit more ‘selective’ in our process.

Meaning, rather than choosing how ‘right’ we might be, perhaps we might choose a path of peace instead.

It is a noble one, indeed. Though, one fraught with the perils of past pain. We step gingerly through, while imperfection hangs like a weighted branch – threatening to obscure all light from our view.

But, that’s the risk of feeling absolutely human, isn’t it? That we might occasionally suffer the sting of a freshly ‘scraped knee’.

And still, have faith enough – to rise up again.

On this path of peace, there is often an insufferable pain. But likewise, there is a growing and irrepressible grace.

And, for me – there is no greater good.

“We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls.

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love’s light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free.”
― Maya Angelou

The Paths We Choose to Keep.

[blockquote source=”Pema Chödrön”]“Remind yourself, in whatever way is personally meaningful, that it is not in your best interest to reinforce thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. Even if you’ve already taken the bait and feel the familiar pull of self-denigration, marshal your intelligence, courage, and humor in order to turn the tide. Ask yourself: Do I want to strengthen what I’m feeling now? Do I want to cut myself off from my basic goodness? Remind yourself that your fundamental nature is unconditionally open and free.” [/blockquote]

I was inspired by a quote from Pema Chödrön this morning – a reminder, that in whatever capacity of our being, our truest nature is to be free.

So much so, that we inherently yearn for it – this vast, open space of feeling completely relieved. We crave the simplicity of an unencumbered life, disentangled from the same old habits which are keeping us from our freedom.

And though, mindful of our longings – still we succumb to these patterns of emotional reactivity, metaphorically ‘raising our voice’, when our simple wish is to understand.

So, how do we stay centered in those moments when our ‘being human’ threatens to pull us away? Certainly, there’s no avoiding this volatility of life. And yet, we cautiously ‘hug the banks’ of a river that is continuously changing. Perhaps, too fearful that we might be swept away.

We watch as the waters shift…forcing new path where the ground crumbles in. We may feel apprehensive and uncertain; perhaps, unwilling to watch as new patterns emerge…terrified to let go of all that we’ve ever known.

But, isn’t it in these moments of stretching past our limits that we finally discover a little something worthwhile?

As Ani Pema says, “It’s as if we are always at a crossroad, continuously choosing which way to go. Moment by moment we can choose to go toward further clarity and happiness or toward confusion and pain.”

In the end, my dearest darlings, it’s all about which paths we choose to keep. One takes us nearer to happiness, and the other…pulls us away.

And, we alone must ultimately walk that path.