Saying “Yes” to Life.

[blockquote source=”Jolene Stockman”]Shrug off the no’s – they are temporary. This is your world. In your world there is only yes.[/blockquote]


Never before had such a word formed so perfectly against my lips; and leaving to it’s breath-filled wake, the promise of hope’s greatest adventure.

My dears, we were born to be limitless -with dreams crafted upon the folds of darkness, and hope tucked safely within our spirit.

And, these senses…my dears, these magnificent senses, to discern whether or not “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet..”

And, this heart to hold firmly that which might otherwise slip our grip…the assurance of love, as certain as the day’s arrival.

With Faith soon displacing Doubt’s devastation, with a most certain and unshakeable knowing..

Like the bird that feels the warmth of light, even before the darkness has lifted. Yet, still he sings…my dears, he sings with all his heart…the ‘smallest’ of this world’s most unbreakable spirits.

Just as we might all face each day…fearlessly perched amongst the tallest of trees, wings extended and eager for flight.

My dears, we are born to live the life we’ve always dreamed, but never expected…

And, “yes” is the only thing keeping us from it.

This one-syllabled gateway between all that we are, and all that we might wish to be.

And, granting so very graciously within it, this irrefutable permission to live.

Namaste, and much love, my dears…and, on this day…why not take a moment for ‘yes’…?


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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