Remembering Our Love.

I went for a ride in the car last night, a brief outing in the days following my surgery. I’d wanted the benefit of cool, evening air – the scent of sweet grass and wild honeysuckle serving a wondrous elixir.

Sadly though, something else was there. My mind shifted to the images of brutality; a ‘sentence’ served at the hands of injustice. It was intended to be a peaceful demonstration; though, if that were the case then why were they armed?

Torches lit the faces of a malignant racism. Thousands poured into the streets like a ravenous snake though the crowds. “Blood and soil,” they shouted. As if the value of a man were theirs to secure.

American journalist, Dan Rather writes, “It defies reason to even write of such a thing.” Though, here we are – again, with newer lines being drawn.

In grade school I learned of man’s inhumanity to man, and – not wanting to believe, turned the other way. “They were men, just like us,” my uncle’s words rang clear as he recounted the horror of the Nuremberg trials.

I caught myself, for a brief moment as I looked into the face of a passerby, “I wonder if they think like them,” as a chill hit my spine.

That’s how it begins – fear first, then hate. But, that’s not what this world needs. This world needs our love more.

Though, how do we find peace amongst the blood curdling screams? In part, by asking – what do I wish more?

In this space, there are no sides – just one. One breath, one life – one collective human heart.

And, whereas – we can not define the ‘other’, we can encourage healing.

Maybe, I’m a fool – though I will not relinquish my heart to another’s fear. Rather, like many before me – my love shall rise above.

In peace…

Namaste ❤


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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