The Promise of Now.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day.

It brought to mind this concept of future, and all that ‘must be done’ in our moments moving forward.

But the truth is, we never know beyond this present moment — that which hasn’t yet been revealed. As a result, we are distracted by that which may never be.

When I first began my meditation practice, I sat so restless on the cushion. It seemed as if the silence amplified everything around me, as the context of time shifted drastically.

“You’re wasting time,” my teacher once chided. “Are you so afraid of this moment here?”

Sometimes people say things in passing, and – though perhaps unintended, they end up having lifelong implications.

His words come to mind every time I’m asked to engage this promise of future. I reflect upon the sweetness of his invitation. “Stay with me here for awhile,” he’d say.

Yes, stay here – even as this world is spinning, and chaos takes its chase.

Rest within the softness of breath. Nothing more, nothing less.

I’m often criticized for being overly emotional. But I’d rather spend a day getting it all out, than to be ‘trapped’ every moment moving forward.

This is just my way.

I think deeply. I feel deeply. I love deeply. And I believe emotions should be healing, not crippling.

Am I a fool? Probably. But, I’d rather take a risk living the fullness of life than to be fearful of this gift that has been so graciously shared.

Not many understand my heart, and that’s ok. I’ve had the experience of ‘experts’ sitting before me sharing my life is limited by ‘this much.’

I could easily lose myself in the bigness of that thought. I could spend every precious second worried about tomorrow, or reflecting on a past that can not change.

Instead, I choose today. And everyday I am blessed with life breath, I ask myself – “What can I do in this moment for others?”


Because the ‘reality’ is, nobody can dare to define my future. And, the ‘truth’ is – this world needs our love more.

I don’t know how much time I’ve left on this earth…

But, for now?

Today, in this moment — I choose love. And today, in this moment — I choose this path of peace.

With heartfelt blessings ~ I love you all.

Namaste ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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