Why We Must Create.

[blockquote source=”Chad Sugg”]And like a colorful bloom of temporary lights in the sky, you will shine.[/blockquote]

My dears, I was having just a little bit of trouble finding Inspiration this morning. She seemed to have tucked away into the darkness of night, swept into the swirling waves of a cold, freezing rain. And as I sipped my tea, and helped myself to the last of the cookie ‘stash’ – I felt that familiar nervousness settling in, that…

“What if I forget how to write?”

Oh, I know it’s a silly thought, isn’t it? We are all born to explore and discover; destined to leave our imprint in some fashion or another, as we boldly challenge the formalities of the day with a splashing-dash of this ‘being human.’

And, try as you might…my dears, you can’t ever escape it. This gnawing, aching, drive-you-out-of-your-head need to create will find you in the dead of any dark night, as it sends you stumbling through the dead of the night, tripping your way to the nearest notebook.

Oh, and so many mornings have greeted me with baggy eyes, squinting and fumbling for my favorite coffee mug.

You see, Inspiration travels through our every vein, in a desperate search for that one single crack by which its energy may finally break free…

It is a brilliant, awesome and a most wonderful thing…

And, sometimes…a rather inconvenient pain in the hind-choppers….

But, always…I am most grateful when Inspiration shares with me this gift of being able to connect right here with all of you.

And, isn’t that the point?

That we might find and forge these passages from one human spirit to the next? That we might build a community of ‘not ever feeling alone’ in a world that is often times quite bitter?

My dears, I used to suffer such a fear of writer’s block….worried that I might wake to a world that was one day completely empty of words….

But I have learned…that the words are always right here, inside my heart…and, just waiting for that moment to finally break free.

The trick is, learning to get out of your own way…to have faith, even on those days which seem intent on challenging you.

I mean, after all, everything we do that helps us to better connect ~ my dears, isn’t that the most beautiful manifestation of creativity on this earth?

So, don’t worry so much about the what to create – focus instead, on the true gift that Inspiration brings…

And create a space for Compassion’s roots to firmly take hold.



Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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