Russell Brand: The Only Thing That Matters to Any Of Us Is Love.

[pullquote align=”left” background=”on”]”What a privilege it was to edit the words of one of the greatest men of our generation.” ~ Timothy Shieff[/pullquote]Published on Nov 21, 2013

This video is presented through the brilliant creative spirit of Timothy Shieff, who so painstakingly pieced together the better portions of  a most simple truth.

That, there is so very much we are unable to see – but, that doesn’t diminish the power of its presence.

Love permeates our every being… and underscore our every thought, every word…and every action.

We are not ever alone, my dears – rather, we are inseparably intertwined in this fabric of love.

Here’s a download link to the audio for you to carry with you, always.…

Much love, and namaste…my most beautiful friends.

Remember, through love all things are possible.


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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  • I’ve been struggling with the energy of anger/what is the easiest way to direct this energy? I’m practicing a zen approach, and it has worked so well. I’ve come a long way with the issue of anger. Only now I’m dealing with the hurt and emotional pain the anger was masking, making me vulnerable, which is a very good thing. For so long I had my tender feelings all masqueraded by anger, hate, criticism and most of all fear. Anger served as my defense against abandonment, fear, insecurity, and most of all vulnerability. It served to protect me from rejection. Angry people are hurt people. The emotion still makes me very uncomfortable when I see it in others. I always tiptoed around my mother’s anger for fear of a much bigger explosion from her. I find my stumbling block to growth and freedom is that I continue to assess how others are feeling before I proceed. The barriers in my life emotionally have led to a life of alcohol and drug addiction. I finally have a knowledge of the reasons for trying to aneshisize my feelings. I was afraid. I have come to be much more accepting of myself in light of all this information I’ve gathered in the last 3 years. I find life has been hard for me and I’m learning to value myself as a human being, and in doing so I have much more tolerance of others in my path. Less to judge/more willing to accept things with compassion/I find as I treat myself kindly I therefore treat others the same. Hostility from others is just an example of how one treats and thinks of themselves. BUT the anger still comes at random times. I don’t like it. But I do realize what I resist will persist /so I must get to the root. I am now trying Rieke therapy which I think deals with all aspects of the mind body connection. Thanks for your website it is indeed inspiring.

    • Christine – such wonderful thoughts that you have shared here….thank you, for being so open with your spirit. I think we all struggle with these emotions… little pieces of our spirit that get ‘stuck’ from time to time, triggered by an old memory…of something long past, but that still remains. I used to agonize when these feelings would surface, and then I learned – they are *here* to share with me, something I never knew about myself. Something, beautiful…something unexpected…something most fulfilling. And even though, still to this day, these things cause me much uncoziness – still, I welcome all of it, these ‘guests’ to my house. My dear, you are one of the very few with the courage enough to look inward…and the strength enough to stay when you do find something new. That is something so amazing – a testimony to your inner spirit. Embrace it, my dear…and love every single moment of it. Even the ones that bring up these waves of up and down…it doesn’t mean that you’re imperfect, or any less of a human spirit… it means, simply…that YOU are DISCOVERING. I am Reiki certified, as well…I have been blessed to study the shamanic healings of the Guarani people. There is much to be learned of these practices – to align all, is to find balance. I am so glad you have found your way here, Christine – your comments have inspired me this evening. So, my dear – the ‘thank you’ belongs to you. Much love, and many blessings ~ and thank you for the gift of your light <3

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