Tag: prayer

The Single Most Powerful Prayer.

Father Thomas Keating once shared that the most powerful prayer in the human language is a single word – ‘help’. And yet, all too often we fail to oblige its presence – fearful that our need may be viewed as weakness. Instead, we create a barricade to protect our heart – hardened by the circumstances of our past hesitations and failure.

In doing so, we begin to draw away, to isolate from that which is needed most of all – an acceptance of our humanity.

We are broken, every single one of us. And our fate, subsequently uncertain. It’s only when we relinquish these illusions of control that we may begin to appreciate a sense of trust formed only when the mind is fully present. To live, as described in the ancient buddhist texts, absent the anxiety of our own imperfection.

When we ask for help, we are asking for acceptance. What we fail to realize is that it’s already there. That this brokenness, itself, is what helps us to flourish.

“Just as we open and heal the body by sensing its rhythms and touching it with a deep and kind attention,” Jack Kornfield writes, “so too can we heal other dimensions of our being.”

And, through the utterance of that simple prayer – ‘help’ – we begin to make room for a new hope to arise.

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❣

This Blessing of Heart.

There’s a prayer rug hanging against the wall of an old stone church near my home. It was a gift to the parishioners following their pilgrimage to the Middle East; a mission dedicated to the prospect of rebuilding villages in the aftermath of the bombings.

They were guided by faith, fueled by the glowing embers of empathy and compassion. Nothing could dissuade the focus of their divine purpose.

However, when they first arrived, the destruction was certainly overwhelming. Piles of dust, glass and rubble occupying the space where houses, churches and schools once stood.

At first, the damage seemed far too extensive for the efforts of so few hands. How could they possibly restore the image of ‘once was’ from that which lay before them today?

However, bit by bit, the village was restored – as was the faith of those within.

The rug was pulled from the debris of the village temple, and soon after gifted to those who served.

And now, it serves as a reminder that no task is ever too great for those with sufficient heart.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤

In This Space of Peace.

I was watching the rain from the window this morning. The world seems quieter – perhaps, more ‘at peace’ with each measure of droplet’s renewal.

As the pattern breaks against windowsill, the dance of mind diminishes; comforted by the lesser draw of moment, absent distraction.

The peace of many becomes the peace of one, and we are forever enriched.

“Just as the soft rains fill the streams,
Pour into the rivers,
And join together in the oceans,
So the power of every moment
Of your goodness flows forth to awaken
And heal all beings;
Those here now, those gone before, those yet to come.”

In peace, my loves…just as the rain…

Namaste ❤️