Tag: moon

Upon Faith’s Bended Knee.

I watched the moon grace the heavens last night; filled with the wonderment of ten thousand years, she bowed her head once more.

Enticing the memory of many moons now long since past; walks against the river’s edge and the pleasantries of newfound love.

And we are left to stand as witness, to this dance of light upon broken glass.

“The stars are brilliant at this time of night,” writes Charlotte Erikkson. “and I wander these streets like a ritual I don’t dare to break. For darling, these times are quite glorious.”

And, as I walk this path, I am reminded still – constancy never changes, though sometimes our perceptions will.

She calls to us in these depths of night; beckoning the will upon Faith’s bended knee.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

A Wish From the Wintering Moon.

“The moon follows us everywhere, you know.”

It was something my father had once shared with me. We had been driving for hours, and I was growing sad that we might miss a special event. “No matter where you are,” he smiled. “the moon is always there.”

My father has such a way of restoring faith; of bringing the ‘quickly slipping away’ nearer once again. I’ve often found such comfort in these words. Particularly, in those much larger moments when I’ve felt a bit distanced from self.

Many a sonnet has been written of the moon; her charms captured through delicate extensions of poetry, of art, and of music. Oh, and hasn’t she shared her graces through the years?

And, leaving us to wonder…what else has the capacity to shift an entire ocean from shore to shore?

“I’ve tried the new moon tilted in the air,” writes poet, Robert Frost. “Above a hazy tree-and-farmhouse cluster, as you might try a jewel in your hair…I’ve pulled it from a crate of crooked trees, and brought it over glossy water, greater. And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow, the color run, all sorts of wonder follow.”

Speak of the moon and once wearied eyes are once again filled with wonderment.

Though, perhaps the greatest gift which she shares – is the manner in which she unites us all.

One common thread forged upon the wishes of a single wandering soul.