Tag: family

The Beauty in Not Ever Giving Up.

[blockquote source=”Timber Hawkeye”]“Instead of chasing happiness like a hamster on a wheel, I say slow down. Sit. There is nothing you need to buy, and there is nowhere you need to go. Just a few minutes each day of taking inventory of everything in your life worth appreciating, is the first step we can take to guiding the next generation away from this growing sense of entitlement, and toward a deeper appreciation for life itself.”[/blockquote]

When my daughter was much younger, she had the most infuriating of habits. For, whenever I was in a mad dash about – she would literally drag her toes in defiance.

“Hurry up,” I’d grumble, only to be met with the maddening sound of two toddler shoes whoosh…whoosh…whooshing along.

Oh, and it used to make my blood just simply boil. As a single Mom, I was always rushing about – in a hurry for, well…I don’t know what.

My husband had just left, leaving me alone with these two beautiful children and barely the means to make ends meet. It was Mother’s Day when I saw the note on the table,

“By the time you read this – I’ll be gone.”

At first, I was devastated – terrified of the moments to come, and too afraid to let go of ones that had gone. I thought my life was over, but in reality – it had only just begun.

And, in an odd way, I felt relieved – having spent so many years forcing a fit into a world that wasn’t conducive to my inner bliss.

I was exhausted. Fitting in to someone else’s story can be a lot harder than creating your own.

Oh, but my darlings…we must all have our story.

In the months to follow, I burrowed myself into the routine of things. Wake up, brush teeth, feed kids…and, off to bed, once again..

I suppose, in keeping so busy I felt I could push off that which was the inevitable…my inevitable.

The healing…the rediscovering…the stepping boldly through adventure’s door.

There is a Buddhist prayer regarding awakening,

“Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.
Although its light is wide and great,
The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.
The whole moon and the entire sky
Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.” ~ Dogen

At times, I felt this way about my own ‘dusting off’ – because, when the veil was finally lifted, I could feel my connection to everything else.

In the hardened bark of the tallest trees…

In the wetness of sweet grass gently tickling my feet…

Even in the eyes of complete strangers…my dears, I could see myself there, too.

Suddenly, I wasn’t quite so overwhelmed anymore – and, my loneliness was gone.

Looking back, I suppose my daughter was my very first introduction to this, the true heart of Buddhism – offering in her stubborn little steps the beginning of my very own slowing down.

Had I not learned to slow my pace – my dears, this brilliant discovery would surely have been lost.

And, I never would have realized the truth in the beauty of not ever giving up.

A Letter to My Son.

 “Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” ~  J.K. Rowling

My dearest, most darling son…

Today is the day, my dear…the one in which we have waited for all of our lives – and the one in which I worried over for so many sleepless nights.

It’s not always easy being a parent, but luckily…I had the blessing of children so rich in spirit and honor, that I dare say my job was made much easier. You were my single gift from all these heavens.

And, today I shall watch you walk alone onto this, your next path – and wondering, have I shared all the lessons and in just the right way?

As you were growing up, I worried over every scraped knee and every tumble and fall. And those late nights when the fever just wouldn’t break? I sat alone in the rocking chair next to your crib ~ hoping I might find the secret to becoming the best Mommy ever.

And, oh I made so many mistakes ~ and there were always things that I had wished we might do, but circumstances left us only with those wishes yet in our hearts. And those are the wishes that helped us as we found our way through – forming a bond, like none this earth might ever have known.

My dear, you’ll find in life the difficulties will make you stronger – that there is an indomitable strength of spirit that comes only by way of heart that won’t give in.

This is our blessing, now isn’t it? That in the end, and no matter what life’s challenge – my dear, we decide what fate might bring. And, we decide the life we shall live…

Every minute, and every moment – is ours to determine. And even in the face of the most dire of circumstances ~ my dear, know always that the heart shall find its way.

And, all of those moments spent wondering if you’ll ever be quite good enough? You’ll find there shall always be some bright spirit to help you find the courage.

My dear, thank you for the gift of your bright spirit ~ and for helping a young frightened girl become a great Mom.

I love you… to the moon and back… and if there should ever come a moment when you feel alone, and not so certain of self… you’ll need only to look to the stars, as my light will be shining down on you from above.

My dear, I am so very proud of you ~ for all that you are, and all that you’ve yet to become. And, may each new day be filled with the adventure you so very much have earned.

