Tag: birthday

A Letter to My Daughter on Her Birthday.

To my darling daughter,

My goodness, it’s been 17 years since I first welcomed you into this world. Though, at times, I’ve felt I’ve known you all all my life…in the gentle movement of the swaying trees, the winds soft hushing across the leaves…upon the arc of a hummingbird’s wings.

You were always just right there, waiting for me.

Oh, and how your eyes would shine – lilac blue, like the twilight sky. “Starlight,” your Grandmother would say.

But, there was something more, I’m sure. Optimism, yes…that’s what it was. And, the self-surety that one little heart could indeed make a difference in an often weary world.

And, did you know when we first brought you home the whole entire neighborhood came out just to greet you?

Not to be outdone by your Grandfather, of course – who pushed aside all those wayward wanderers to exclaim, “Oh, will you just look at how pretty she is!!”

I’ll never forget the look in his eyes – so full of pride. In that moment, I watched as those shadows of war faded to the hope of this brand new life.

At just a few hours old, you certainly learned to leave your mark on this world. Indelible, with grand flourishes – and never shrinking from the light.

I always felt my role as a Mother was to help you find your way through. Oh, but little did I know, at the time – that you were the Universe’s gift to me.

Through your eyes, I saw the world in vibrant shades of peacock blue, and fire engine red.

Through your infectious giggle, I learned the world wasn’t so serious, after all.

Through your heart, I learned what it really meant to be free.

We’ve been through much, my dear – from scraped up knees, through the onset of this disease. I swear, at times I feel like I’m the luckiest Mom in the world.

But, now you’re nearly grown, my darling. And, soon, you’ll be leaving the comforts of this ‘nest.’ Traveling to each of the farthest corners of this earth, I pray – to seize that proverbial tiger by the tail.

Make grand, glorious mistakes, my dear – and, don’t ever look back. The path is ahead, I assure you, and waiting for the softness of your every step.

Let your heart draw you into the spaciousness of your dreams. Do not be deceived – this earthbound form is merely a vessel, and never the ‘anchor’ we perceive.

Take risks, my darling – knowing that “half-heartedness doesn’t reach into majesty.”

Remember to ‘set your life on fire’ and seek out only those ‘who’ll fan your flames.’

You are a divine light, my darling – and, the truest gift my soul has ever known.

And, on this day of your birth – remember, it’s only through the heart that we learn to touch the sky.

Happy Birthday, my darling….Mommy loves you.