Tag: belief

The Gift of Story.

I remember when I was a little girl, begging my mother for bedtime stories – insistent I couldn’t sleep without it.

No matter the hour, she’s sidle up next to me – encouraging the faith of a young heart to grow. In those days, life was measured through moments together – and happiness, through the sharing of giggles.

With each new page, the story would unfold; fear would feed a growing evil, though never unchecked where the love was true.

Was it imagination or belief that quelled the restless mind? I’d like to think the latter…a resilience born through countless tests and strength of human spirit.

Through simplicity of tale, we’d find our place – an integrity of truth and the power of connection.

We are so much more than these pages might tell; we are our heart, we are our mind – we are the legacy left behind.

This is the blessing and gift of our story.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

The Magic of Tree.

I watched a little one from the window the other day — precarious at first, as she nudged closer to the tree.

“The tree can hear your wishes, you know,” I once shared with her. “Whatever you want, whatever you need — if you offer to Tree, he’ll help to make it so.”

At first she scoffed a grand display of disbelief (she is 8, after all, and ‘far too old’ for these sorts of things). But, leaning in – I could tell, the magic of story had already taken hold.

Her father died when she was just four — a ‘casualty of war’ they termed it, a hero amongst even the strongest of man.

We had talked on and off over the past year, “Do people remember you when they go to heaven?” she once asked.

“Oh, my darling – I’m quite sure of it.” I offered, knowing the truer question inside.

I watched from the window as she knelt before the largest (and subsequently, wisest) of oaks. She reached into her front coat pocket for a small envelope, which she placed lovingly at the base of Tree. I watched as she said a few words, wiped her eyes and then raced back to home.

Not being able to resist, and likewise knowing that even the strongest of Oak might benefit from a ‘helping hand’ — I grabbed my coat, walked to Tree, knelt down and read her letter.

And I cried, because these little ones with the seemingly smallest of hearts *always* have the most heart to give.

I don’t pretend to know the ‘magic’ of this Universe, though — I do feel there is a greater power at hand. For how could this little one possibly know that through her question my own heart might be healed?

Sometimes, we have all the answers, my loves — and other times, we just have to believe.

I hope Tree won’t mind that I’ve penned a response,

“My dearest love,

Of course, I remember. You are my heart, you are my life, and you are my song. I shall love you forever, no matter how far. Remember to take good care of Mom…she needs your love from both of us.

Love, Dad”

I left my letter under a ‘loving’ stone, and thanked Tree for bringing us together.

It’s those littler things, my dearest darlings which may ultimately heal this world.

Namaste ❤️

The Power of Believe.

I believe in an everyday sort of magic – the infinitely inexplicable. That indescribable joy within the majesty.

I believe in the rushing of wind through the trees, as whispered voices beckoning us nearer.

I believe in those momentary instances – where earth, heart, soul and spirit become so decidedly interconnected.

I believe in the pathless wood, the wonderment of discover – and that deeper heart kind of knowing that all ‘good things’ must find their way.

I believe possibility to be proportionate to risk, and our willingness to fall forward into that which we’ve never known.

I believe every road to have a reason, and every heart a purpose.

But more so, my dearest darlings – I believe in the immeasurable hope embodied within these two hands.

With these two hands we help…

With these two hands we heal…

With these two hands the world begins anew.

A Lesson in Lillies.

Oh, my darlings – just look what the garden left for me today.

A stargazer wrapped in fullest bloom, bowing humbly before the hope of a brand new day.

“She cast her fragrance and her radiance over me,” writes Antoine de Saint-Exupery. “I ought never to have run away.”

Written in 1943, the story of The Little Prince is still relevant today – and its message, a divinely beautiful one.

That is to say, that the emotions stemming from our innermost conflict – unsettledness, doubt, fear – are alleviated through our interconnectedness.

The story was written in the shadows of war; and was the means by which Saint-Exupery offered peace.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly,” he explains. “What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

My goodness, imagine all that from the unfurled petals of this stargazer lilly.

A Little Something About Those Apple Blossoms.

My darlings, this morning – one of my favorite poems from author, W.B. Yeats, entitled, “The Song of Wandering Aengus.”

It is intended to serve as a metaphor, of sorts – with Yeats as a young man on a quest for what he thinks to be the ‘institution’ of love.

With ‘hooked berry’ he easily finds that which he’s been searching for all his life. She, “who called me by my name and ran.” And, at once, was lost again.

It’s all about the quest, now isn’t it? We seek with ‘fire in our head’, that which represents our heart’s dearest wish.

And, never taking chance to lose the memory, though fading to the brightening air.

Holding onto our dreams can be a tricky business– particularly as old age weathers our ‘vision.’

But, hope is always there, my loves — that ‘glimmering girl with apple blossom in her hair’ just waiting for you, if only you’ll dare.

“I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire a-flame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And someone called me by my name:
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done,
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.” – W.B. Yeats

What You Believe, You Empower.

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you
As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
But once mastered,
No one can help you as much.” — The Dhammapada

I overheard a conversation this morning, between a young man and his wife. They had been squabbling over something, I’m not quite sure—but to the both of them, it seemed equally important.

You see, there’s a dairy farm by my home, just down the road a ways and nearest to my favorite organic market. In the mornings, you’ll often find me there, reflecting…as you see, I’ve found that baby calves make the very best listeners (and particularly when it is that you’ve an apple or two tucked not-so-very discretely within your pocket).

I love coming here on my Saturday mornings, if only for the purpose of ‘just sitting quietly for a while.’ You see, meditation isn’t always about ‘sitting in om’—rather, meditation can take on quite a few different forms…

Including, standing right here looking out onto a field of mischievous baby cows.

I didn’t realize they were fighting at first—had it not been for the calf’s startled chortle and snort, I don’t know that I would have even noticed it.

“I give you everything, anything you want. And all you do is complain,” he shouted.

And then I watched as the young woman, gripping tight the hand of her toddler, slunk forward into a crumpled pile of nothingness. In some ways, she ‘disappeared’ right before my eyes.

“You have a good life,” he hissed, as he slammed the car door. And off they sped down that well worn path of unsettledness.

Oh, dear—such a terrible life blunder; to assume our hearts are so inseparably tied to the unwavering views of another.

I wanted to reach out to her, to remind her of her brilliance. To share with her the majesty of her own human richness.

To share with her the simple truth of our existence.

Life isn’t what others make for us, my darlings. rather…the life we have is precisely the one we’ve chosen.

Every challenge, every minute crying alone in the dark…

And, every moment where our heart has nearly exploded with happiness…with joy…and with love

This, too, we have also chosen.

“If a hundred people sleep and dream,” shares Kalu Rinpoche.  “each of them will experience a different world in his dream.”

And, my darlings—this world isn’t always as others may deem. The experience we have is exclusively ours to keep.

No matter what the others might think.

Remember, what you believe—you empower.

Namaste, my loves ~ now, if you’ll please excuse me, I’ve promised another visit with my cows.

In peace, with love… and blessings to all.

The Child-like Heart of Seeing.

I believe it was Picasso who once said that an artist is someone who still sees this world through the eyes of a child.

My goodness, so much truth in so few words. When we are young, the world is a magical place; where adventure is fashioned in fallen trees over streams.

And, hope built with each fearless leap.

Though, somehow as we grow older – our conditions change. We forfeit optimism in exchange for ease.

How foolish to think that with comfort, comes peace.

“Every child is an artist,” he said. “The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

As for me? These days, even the shortest of walks evoke my child-like heart of seeing.

For, within each withered branch and ambered leaf, there exists…a little indescribable ‘something special’, which fans the embers of Belief.

And, with glittering eyes and patience, my darlings….perhaps it just might be seen.

To Dance in the Light of This Once-Only Journey.

“Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.” ― Mandy Hale

What a beautiful message from author, Mandy Hale. A reminder to cherish these precious fleeting moments, before time has stolen them away.

To take notice of those little things.

To live, to love, to dance, to breathe.

To share in each wonder that this Universe brings.

To understand, with every single piece of our heart – that a moment, once passed, can never be ‘returned.’

So, smile…giggle…laugh, and enjoy; do what makes your heart smile BIG.

Life is too short, not to follow your dreams. Open your mind to the wonder of new things.

That we may learn to live BRILLIANTLY in this magic of NOW;

And, bask in the light of this once-only journey.

Namaste, my dearest darlings – and, on this day I wish you this moment of peace.