A Vested Compassion.

I was reading a passage this morning from author, Gregory Boyle – a Jesuit priest who has spent the last 30 years of his life devoted to the people in the barrios of Los Angeles. In his book, Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion he writes:

“Here is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.”

As many of you know, I devote much of my own time helping others ‘in need’. I bring groceries, arrange appointments, help with access to phone and internet. To the extent that I am able, I offer my heart in service.

But always, I feel that I am the one who benefits.

For with each action, there is a connection forged and stories shared. I learn of their past, their aspirations and goals; I watch as they rise up again. There is nothing more empowering than to bear witness to another’s glory. To watch as faith is restored, and the cloak of desperation is shed.

My interests, and – to that end, my purpose – is to raise the energy of love in all beings. It’s something I carry with me into all relationships – irrespective of the depth of knowing formed.

It is my belief that we are all in some way connected; a single source by which the universe is transformed. Humanity requires our attention. It forces a vested interaction, begging our capacity to be ‘as one.’

And yet, there are limitations, as well – barriers born of misunderstanding and perception, and moments of stagnated resolve.

Though, always there is a choice, my loves… a single instance in which we either ‘take the bait’ or find our way through. And, finding our way through is an absolute must in order to benefit this much greater whole.

“Here is what we seek: a compassion that can stand in awe at what the poor have to carry rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it.”

My darlings, I pray these words may be carried with you, as well…

In peace…

Namaste ❤️


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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