A Little Something Extra In Your Day.

[blockquote source=”Jimmy Johnson”]The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little something extra.[/blockquote]

I had a few extra moments to get ready this morning, the result of all these ‘mountains’ of snow this last storm graciously left in its path. And though, there really wasn’t much of any snow at all – who am I, on this day, to complain?

Oh, and it felt so good to have those few extra moments puttering about – and to do with my time, just anything I wished.

I had time for a decaf with a little extra ‘shmootz’…

And, a few extra moments spent cuddling with Nudnick…

And, all of those many things mulling about in my mind? Well, I finally found the time to consider them.

But, more important than anything, at all – were these few extra moments I discovered to breathe.

My dears, I must admit I am guilty, at times, of trying to get far too much done in one single day – that I forget the necessity of a much-needed rest. A respectful pause to cherish this earth, in a manner that captures the fullness of my attention.

And, all this from a few extra snowflakes.

Come to think of it, I wish all of my days had a little extra ‘extra-ness’….

I remember, my grandmother used to say, “Once a moment has passed, it is gone forever.”

And, she was right, you know  – she understood the importance taking time for those ‘extra’ things in our lives.

We end up missing all those simpler things, that transfix our gaze and lend the blessings of wonderment to our spirit.

My dears, they say there will come a day when the earth shall grow quiet – leaving, only the sound of our hearts to offer us comfort.

Well then, my dears, if that is the case – I should hope it might resonate with the sound of all this extra-ness in our days.



Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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