My Morning "Cow" Meditation.

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you
  As much as your own thoughts, unguarded.
  But once mastered,
  No one can help you as much.”

                                     — The Dharmmpada

I overheard a conversation this morning, between a young man and his wife (careful, we thought-filled writers are always on the lookout for our next, most amazing inspiration). They had been squabbling over something, I’m not quite sure—but to the both of them, seemed awfully, very important.

You see, there’s a dairy farm by my home, just down the road a ways and nearest to my favorite organic market. In the mornings, you’ll often find me there, reflecting…as you see, I’ve found that baby calf make the very best listeners (and particularly when it is that you’ve an apple or two tucked not-so-very discretely within your pocket).

I love coming here on my Saturday mornings, if only for the reason of ‘just sitting quietly for a short while.’ You know, meditation is not always ‘sitting in om’—rather, meditation takes on quite a few many different forms…including, simply staring out onto a field of mama cows and their babies.
I didn’t realize they were fighting at first—had it not been for the calf startled chortle and snort, I don’t know that I would have even noticed it.

“I give you everything, anything you want. And all you do is complain.”

I watched as the young woman, gripping tight the hand of her toddler, slunk forward into a crumpled pile of nothingness. In some ways, she ‘disappeared’ right before my eyes.

“You have a good life,” he shouted, as he slammed that car door. And off they sped down that well worn path of unsettledness.

Life isn’t what others make for us, rather…the life we have is the precise one we’ve chosen.

Every challenge, every minute crying alone in the dark…

And, every moment where our heart has nearly exploded with happiness…with joy…and with love…
This, too, we also have chosen.

Because, this life is based on our interpretation of what we are seeing. It’s not the world’s fault that you’re feeling a little grumpy.

Oh, I suppose I could have just as easily stayed in bed—but just look, at all that I would have been missing.

And, so, to this young man who caused another spirit to shrink…stop and think.

As, sometimes it’s not the world but you that you’re seeing.


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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