A Moment of Mindfulness.

I was able to enjoy a short walk with the pups this morning—they have a way of ‘nudging’ me when I seem to need it most. I thought of Thich Nhat Hanh and his talks of ‘walking meditation’…

“According to the teaching and the practice of the Buddha, life is available only in the present moment, in the here and the now. And when you go back to the present moment, you have a chance to touch life, to encounter life, to become fully alive and fully present. “

So this morning, I walked through the woods with my pups at my side—stopping to place my hand against the rough bark of a tree.

In an odd way, I could *feel* it’s energy—coming from the earth, and back to me. I closed my eyes and took in the deepest breath, allowing my lungs to fill and stretch.

And in that moment, I could hear all of this earth and all the most wonderful things in it—birds flying swiftly overhead, squirrels chasing tails in the tree… I could hear the wind call me through the highest leaves on the tree.

And in that moment, that one single moment—I knew everything would be ok.

So, my hope for all of you this most wonderful day – is that each and every step you take will bring you that much closer to this mindfulness.

 Breathe deep today—breathe deep, and let the whole world fill you up…




Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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  • I too walked with my dog today up the mountain. The wind turned hard and cold pushing me back, but we both pushed on until we came to a spot the mountain blocked the wind. The lack of wind let us both relax and take a breath.
    I find I must daily contact the earth around me and give my thoughts to it. Thanks for the reminder.

  • I remember days where the wind pushed me back, and you just have to lean into it to make your way through. The mountain sounds quite nice ~ perhaps, we shall cross paths there someday.

    ps ~ Hello to eaglebear’s pup 🙂

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