A wonderful day ~

What a wonderful way to spend a few hours in the day – but to sneak away, to a magical spot, tucked deep into the woods (my most favorite place). 

And although my time here was quite short ~ I was still able to close my eyes, and take it all in… in the most lasting of ways. 

It’s amazing to me, that when we make memories in this way – no matter where we are, and no matter how much farther down our paths we go.. it’s just a matter of closing our eyes, and taking a deep breath in… which brings us right back to that most special moment. 

I am grateful for today. This was a most lovely day. And, I have decided…that I am going to make each day and everyday forward… just this way… no matter what may come into my path.

I met the loveliest little girl, who introduced me to a SNAKE…

And, I met a man who spent hours digging through the rocks to find *just* the right one ~ so that when we met today, I might have something lovely to take home with me..

And then he shared with me this MOST amazing geode ~ it sparkled in all the right ways, and made me smile…

And then I met a BRAVE KNIGHT, who stood watch over all who entered… ensuring their safe passage, and promising to keep all the EVIL away…

From off in the distance, I heard the sound of bagpipes calling to me ~ and, so I followed them.. and met a group of traveling musicians.. who were all but delighted to play..

And as I walked, I saw this lovely cottage… inside I met a craftsman, who was quite proud of his work..

And up on the top of a VERY steep hill… I saw the loveliest little steeple… I think it may have been trying to hide inside the trees…

A DRAGON hung in the window…  blown glass, and iron sculptures caught the light from just the right angles…

The air was filled with the scent of trees, and grass… and small roasted nuts… and the sound of little ones screeching in delight, amongst the sound of good friends and good friends’ laughter. 


Tara Lemieux is a mindful wanderer, and faithful stargazer. Although she often appears to be listening with great care, rest assured she is most certainly‘forever lost in thought. She is an ardent explorer and lover of finding things previously undiscovered or at the very least mostly not-uncovered.

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