Tag: witness

To Stand as Witness.

“Everything changes,” writes Ram Dass, “once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.”

Yet, true observation can prove a difficult task as mind taxes spirit with the need to understand. We may a muse a bit with wonderment, though inevitably we’ll contemplate our place amongst this greater order of things.

But for a few fleeting moments where we find ourselves captivated by the depth of blue in an endless sky. Or, a child’s laughter lifting the burdens of day. Only then, may we finally begin to understand – the joy of standing witness to our own story’s unfolding.

Is it the need to explore which drives us? As a child, I’d spend hours looking for the perfect patch of ‘boot crunching’ ice – about a quarter inch over shallow puddle. But when I found it? Oh – that was bliss! The sound it delivered as the top crumpled in.

As children, we understand what it means to be enriched by observation. So much so, it compels our daily focus.

So, what has changed, my loves outside this passing of time? Are we not the same bundling of effervescent light? Radiating this blessing of Divine-gifted right? Bound by only role – to be inspired by greatness.

And, when we finally realize – my darlings, everything changes.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️