Tag: window

This Sense of We.

I feel so much love on this earth today; as if all the Universe has conspired to deliver its message of giving.

Through half-opened window I watch as a mother cradles her little one’s hand; pausing to collect the Peony’s white petals now ‘painting’ the ground below.

“Mommy, did she fall?” With pained expression, this beautiful young heart instinctively kneels alongside.

Meanwhile, just past the garden wall, an urgent rustling breaks through the trees – a fattened squirrel has found his feast, a meager offering of nuts and seeds.

As I sit here, I become increasingly more aware of this precious passing experience. The textures of this moment infuse their softened caress, they lend their hope – and I am made whole, once again.

In life, we are often limited by societal conventions of ‘self’. Even from the earliest of age, our vocabulary is continuously reinforced with the lessons of “me”, “myself” and “mine”. It’s no wonder the heart becomes conflicted; that we lose sight of our own interconnectedness.

Though, in stillness we are reminded – that we are so very much more than initially realized.

In peace, my darlings ~ and, can you feel this love?

I hope so…

Namaste ❤️