Tag: willingness

That Which We Will.

Just out of high school, I agreed to run a great race; through the mountains of Kunia – a half marathon – in support of a local charity.

Though, truth be told, I can’t imagine what compelled me. Thirteen miles? I’d never been further than one.

But, there I was – suddenly committed; and any joy in my service now displaced by a looming dread.

In the weeks leading up to the event, I began to train; I ate well, hydrated and got plenty of sleep. And yet, the road ahead seemed endless.

Finally, at the end of a long practice run – I broke down into tears. “That’s it – I give up; I quit!” I remember saying to a friend.

And, knowing my heart, she smiled and said, “How can you give up before the race has even started?”

At first, I was furious. Had she not just witnessed my efforts? The hours expended to secure a ‘noteworthy’ pace?

“You’ll never succeed where the heart is unwilling?” she said.

There are certain points in my life, where I can look back and say – that was a defining moment. For me, her words lifted an energy that had been self-created.

I started my journey with doubt and insecurity. I trained through the growing animosity. And when I took to the trail, I carried all of that with me.

Though, after our talk – that burden lifted. The next morning, I stretched my legs and began, once again. For the first time I was ‘there’ without expectation. The road opened before me, and I let my breath define my pace.

Sometimes, we can become so easily overwhelmed by the magnitude of our circumstances; so much so, that we ‘fail’ before we begin.

Or, worse yet – we refuse to begin.

Though, peace can only truly find us when our hearts are ‘open like the sky.’ I mean, in the end, isn’t it – that which we will?

A little something to consider, my friends – a morning musing over coffee.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Through Fields of Grey.

I remember once sitting outside to enjoy the warm, summer air.

It was early evening, and the moonflowers were just beginning to bloom; their gentle unfolding sweetening the twilight’s return.

I heard an urgent rustling just to the left, beyond the trees. As my eyes turned to sharpened focus, I saw a burnished glint challenging the fields of grey. It was a woodland fox peeking bravely through, careful to honor the space between.

He stood there briefly before venturing forward; his mittened paws bearing the brunt of all fears. I watched as his ears pricked to the evening’s sounds, convinced I might soon lose the ambered grace before me.

After what seemed an eternity, he finally relented – bowing his head to join me there in the stillness. When I felt the time right, I offered my hand.

With each precarious sniff, I felt his fear eventually waning. Before long, he sidled up right next to me. We sat there for a moment admiring this blessing of night, and the good fortune of finding our way through.

It reminded me of a passage contained within the Isa Upanhishad; “He who sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings, never turns away.”

Perhaps, he recognized within me that which all wish to believe — that we are each an integral part of this one human family.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

A Reflection on Who We Might Be.

Albert Einstein once wrote, that there are two ways to live your life – one as though nothing is a miracle; and the other, as if everything is a miracle.

Whereas, I choose to believe that we, ourselves, are the miracle – and that all of life is an inexplicable reflection of who we are.

Either way, we must be willing to acknowledge a fundamental truth – that we are all an aspect of the extraordinary. And yet, so often in life we are fraught with worry; failing to recognize our place amongst this universe. We disregard this invitation for being human.

“Leave the familiar for a while,” urged Sufi poet, Hafiz. “Let your senses and bodies stretch out like a welcome season onto the meadows and shores and hills…Change rooms in your mind for a day…Greet yourself in your thousand other forms.”

Today, I pray that we might likewise be compelled — to open ourselves to the greater expanse of all that we might be.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste <3