Tag: wholeness

This Matter of Whole.

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on what it means to be whole. Specifically, the drawing together of energies – the compliment of spiritual to physical well-being.

When we are happy, joyous, content – our bodies likewise enjoy a relieved sense of being. Our muscles relax, our breathing slows – we slip into the space of non-thinking.

We may even experience what we as practitioners may call ‘bliss’. In this moment, however fleeting, our awakening becomes real. We can see it, feel it, touch – leaping from the bindings of spiritual books and into the heart of our knowing.

And, we realize it’s been there, all along – quietly sleeping; waiting for the rhythmic blessing of raindrops upon window to coax us from the racing of impossible thoughts.

Subconsciously, we may cling – assuming peace to exist only within the greater hold. A panic shifts as thought slips from grip; we mourn that which we can no longer hold.

Our awareness grows to accommodate the fullness of this life experience; as we realize – that our only limitations are of bone and skin.

As Thoreau once so elegantly described, we are constantly invited to be who we are.

This is what it means to be whole.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

A Reminder of Who We Really Are.

“The flower does not try to become the sun; it already is the sun. It does not try to become a tulip; it already contains the qualities of tulip within it. When you achieve this insight, you stop suffering. We suffer because we want to deny ourselves. We want to be something else, and so we never stop running.” ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh

A difficult concept to understand, yet one that is well worthy of our attention.

Can you imagine for just a moment, my dears – the sense of never having to be anything other than who you truly are? To be at one with the aspect of emotion, that continuously forces us from this present moment? To know that the full force of these cosmos have effortlessly formed this entity that we call ‘self.’

Just as the flower is comprised of all things – of time, of space, the energy of snow and of rain – you too, are a composite of this much bigger ‘whole.’ You are, one of the greatest miracles of this universe.

And, you are, all and everything you ever need to be, my darlings. But, like the flower – we are absent one thing. That is, the need for a separate self.

Look out into the stars tonight, my darlings – and know, that you are a part of that, too.

Much love, and many blessings, my friends. And, thoughtful mindful musings to you on this day.