Tag: unconditionality

A Love Shared.

When I was much younger I worked very hard to please others. Whether through simple kindness or the company of friendship, I felt it my place – my responsibility.

As I grew into the awareness of “motherhood” that innate passion grew even stronger. At first for my children, this driving resolve to place their needs before my own. It an exercise in the effort of unconditionality; the late nights, the longer hours, the uncertainty and fear.

Though, as they grow, we begin to see the fruit of our labors; as simply as our little ones holding doors for those next in line.

It’s a strong metaphor to be leveraged within our practice; a reminder of the resonance of compassion’s voice.

Even as our own hearts are faltering, our impact is unmistakable – a single drop becoming part of that much greater ocean.

And we see it, don’t we – in all aspects of our being? A smile returned within a micro-moment of connection.

Do we question? Do we judge? Or, does it just simply happen? The ‘effort’ removed in place of ‘true nature’.

And begging the the question:

Are we a conduit for love – or, are we love in and of itself?

Perhaps, in lieu of “I love” we might consider “Be love”?

A little something to consider, my friends ~ a reminder that a love shared, is a love encouraged.

In peace..,

Namaste ❤️