Tag: uncertainty

Never Forgetting Your Why.

I had a dear friend and mentor who once shared with me that leadership was a willingness to relinquish control; to exist in a space of absolute unknowingness; and, in that space, never once forget why you are there.

I don’t know why his words have found me on this misty morning. Perhaps, it’s a matter of sentimentality – or, maybe, something much stronger still?

“To be silently drawn..” – isn’t that what Rumi once said? “By the stronger pull of what you really love…”

This is what it means to be free.

To have faith in that indescribable something else; to let the beauty we love become all that we do.

And, in my life, my darlings – that beauty is you.

“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.”

And, knowing – that one day, those stars may form a circle…and, in their center, we shall dance.

My darlings, to be silently drawn – to experience the thrill of life’s greatest adventure – is to learn to let go, without ever once forgetting your ‘why.’
