Tag: turning compassion inward

A Love Just for You.

“I hold my face in my two hands.
No, I am not crying.
I hold my face in my two hands
to keep the loneliness warm –
two hands protecting,
two hands nourishing,
two hands preventing
my soul from leaving me
in anger.”

Such a lovely passage from Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hanh – one which speaks to the energy of our suffering, and the ‘need’ to turn our compassion inward.

Even when habit may, at times, encourage us otherwise.

It sounds relatively easy, now doesn’t it? Particularly, when our hearts are at rest. But, try to accomplish when our minds are distracted, and – it can become one of our most difficult lessons yet.

Though, likewise – it can become one of our most profound.

To turn our compassion inwards requires an unconditional acceptance of all ‘just as it is.’ That sense of awe and wonderment inspired by our surroundings, each graciously reflected within our one human soul.

And yet, we are often so critical of ourselves – denying the fullness of life until we feel it is deserved.

But, who are we to decide what has been so freely given?

Do we not ‘deserve’ the limitlessness of the morning sky? The spaciousness of a child’s gentle embrace? Or, the warmth in which the earth cradles our feet?

Do you honestly feel ‘not worthy enough’ to enjoy the same love shared out to this world?

Oh, but who are we to decide, my loves – that which is already there?

There’s a beautiful saying in Tibetan which, roughly translated, means:

“Water, if left undisturbed, will eventually become clear; just as the mind, left unaltered, will find its own natural peace.”

Perhaps, that’s the first step in our own self-acceptance?

That is to say, to practice a love ‘big enough’ to encompass ourselves, as well.

Hey, now that is something ‘worthy’ of our attention – wouldn’t you say? 😉

Much love, my dearest darlings – and, on this day I am wishing you a love ‘big enough’ to embrace the better part of you.

Oh yes, and this beautiful garden flower, too.