Tag: transition

How We Are Defined.

“Enraged with hate, with mind ensnared, humans aim at their own ruin and at the ruin of others.”

It is one of the most pervasive of the Buddha’s teachings; one which explores the delicate intricacies of our self interaction. Sadly, our habit is often bound by reaction, rather than illuminated by the tempering of experience.

Someone says or does something unkind, and we are instantly triggered. We feel anger, hostility and pain – though, do we pause long enough to consider their source?

However painful our experiences, they are just that – one of many millions of moment; a speck of dust, really – notwithstanding the greater ‘investment’.

Only through a deepened understanding of our own anger, hatred, and aggression can we finally begin to understand. We may point our fingers elsewhere, but the true aggressor is within.

A little something to consider, my friends…we are defined not just by these experiences, rather more so by our experience within them.

In peace…

Namaste ❣️

A Pathway to Joy.

Outside in the garden an English rose blooms, insistent that its time hasn’t yet passed. And in spite of the biting chill still she dons her summer best – at first reluctant to let the seasons pass.

Are we not, at times, much the same? We flex our grip to that ‘familiar stick’, a comfort only of benefit to the most solitary existence.

And yet, around us the world is engulfed in a continuous renewal. A changing leaf, a blade of grass – the fading scent of a familiar rose. Within which, we find our greatest joy; and, through which we engage our eternal presence.

In the words of the Buddha, we learn:

“Even among the troubled.

Look within.

Be still.

Free from fear and attachment,

Know the sweet joy of living in the way.”

No matter the circumstances, we are always our own pathway to joy.

In peace, my friends…

Namaste ❤️

The Sweet Unhastened.


I drove for several hours through the mountains recently. The trees were beginning to shift their colors, transitioning to a gold and fiery red.

There’s a comfort we find within these seasonal changes; a momentary release of worldly stresses – a reminder to begin anew.

The world reveals itself through such gentle change; the lifting of light through the ample oaks, the sweet smell of ripened earth. As if a catalyst to our own metamorphosis. “Come join me,” Nature begs.

“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”

Such depth of joy in her declarations; a passing wind forcing the last of the summer rain.

“And those who listened nor moved nor wondered, but heard, all bewitched…the sweet unhastened.”

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❤️

Note: Poetry by Humbert Wolfe