Tag: T.S. Eliot

Where the Stillness Greets.

I’m have a ritual which I practice every morning, before sunrise and the waking of day. I sit in the chair nearest my window, and in looking through I allow my thoughts to become still.

I’ll watch the squirrels take chase along a neighbors fence, and the Blue Jays pilfer the last of the autumn berries. And, sometimes the little ones will have a bit more lift to their step (Saturdays work wonders against any childhood woes). Once, I saw a mama cat with burs throughout her tail; proof that her kittens were tucked safely away.

Though the seasons change, the practice remains the same – a quiet mind open to the gloriousness of day.

“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope,” T.S. Eliot once shared, “for hope would be hope for the wrong thing…There is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting.”

Indeed, the better parts of this life are oft left to the waiting; and our willingness to maintain a warm and direct connection with this world.

This is where our stillness begins…

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️