Tag: sun

Zen and the Art of Puppy-Knowing.

The house was quite still this morning, save for the scurrying of a restless little pup.

I watched as he attempted to make bedding of couch pillows — digging, twisting and contorting his was only through to deeper vexation. With labored sigh, he leapt from the edge — his fate resigned to an unforgiving ground.

He paced urgently until finally he found it; there amongst a sea of table legs and linoleum — a single patch of unimpeded sun.

Rainer Maria Rilke to the simplicity of the ‘hardly noticeable’ — within which we’d find an immeasurable greatness. To a dog, the prospect is nearly effortless – “does this bring me joy?”

As children, we measure greatness in terms of a “THIS MUCH” wingspan. Though sadly, as we age we learn a different scale; altered merely through the path of definition.

Until a slumbering pup teaches us ‘more’…

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️