Tag: story

This Unfolding of Story.

Wherever you are is the entry, my loves; the basis and catalyst for all new beginnings.

The fullness of which may never be known, were it not for the bearing of weight upon step.

In our leaning in, we are letting go; allowing the transference of light upon shadows.

Time passes swiftly leaving only impressions behind; our pages shifting surely to reveal choice’s unfolding.

We are, at best, only partly known. Our legacy, comprised of action; and our story? Our purpose.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

The Gift of Story.

I remember when I was a little girl, begging my mother for bedtime stories – insistent I couldn’t sleep without it.

No matter the hour, she’s sidle up next to me – encouraging the faith of a young heart to grow. In those days, life was measured through moments together – and happiness, through the sharing of giggles.

With each new page, the story would unfold; fear would feed a growing evil, though never unchecked where the love was true.

Was it imagination or belief that quelled the restless mind? I’d like to think the latter…a resilience born through countless tests and strength of human spirit.

Through simplicity of tale, we’d find our place – an integrity of truth and the power of connection.

We are so much more than these pages might tell; we are our heart, we are our mind – we are the legacy left behind.

This is the blessing and gift of our story.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Breaking the Jar.

There’s a Zen parable about an old man and a swan; a bird so lovely, he placed it within a glass jar upon the highest shelf, and for all the world to see.

The old man cared dearly for the swan; sharing each day, these lessons of life and of love. And, in order that she may one day know the true joy of her own existence.

But, as the swan grew, she soon became too big for the glass jar. Desperate to keep things just as they were, the old man held her there – fearful that the loveliness of his swan might soon be lost. Though, sadly, what he failed to realize was that – who and what we love eventually grows.

Particularly, when tended with such loving-kindness and care.

But, oh my darlings, true love can not ever be contained; like a wildflower it blooms even against the heaviest of rains.

In the end, the swan grew too large to be saved; sadly, the only way to finally free her was to shatter that ‘jar.’

It’s often with good intention that we set out to protect that which we love most of all. But, in doing so – aren’t we inadvertently placing their heart in a jar?

Though, more tragically, is when we attempt to shield our own hearts in the same way. As Dr. Rachel Remen once so poignantly asked,

“Is it possible to live so defensively that you never get to live at all?”

Much like the old man, we place our hearts high upon the shelf, never once realizing that…like the baby swan – it, too, will outgrow the limitations of this space.

“We begin to survive at the cost of thriving,” offers author, Mark Nepo, “we exist at the cost of living and give into resignation instead of seeking joy again.”

Until we finally ask ourselves: “do we risk what we have, in order to live once again?”