Tag: steven fry

Stephen Fry on the Power of Our Words.

[blockquote source=”Stephen Fry”]”I suppose the thing that I would have like to have known or be reassured about is that in the world, what counts more than talent, what counts more than energy or concentration or commitment or anything else, is kindness. And the more in the world you encounter kindness – just the better the world always is.”[/blockquote]

I happened upon this video today—actor, Stephen Fry, discussing the power of our words.

So often we underestimate their impact. We are brash and unforgiving in our sentiment; we hurl insults where patience and understanding is needed.

In lieu of compassion we yield to fear, leaving this delicate fabric of humanity quite nearly threadbare.

I’ve never understood man’s inhumanity towards man. Even as a small child, I cringed—knowing, this too, was part of our being human. I suppose, for a while, I denied it even possible—until I felt that ‘sting’ myself.

When I look into a person’s face, I see their humanity; I feel the energy of their spirit. I see the shimmer of their past in the creases of their face, and in doing so I can see their heart’s fullest potential.

But more important than everything else—I can see myself reflecting back through their vision. And, in a sense, I suppose it shall always be the case—that their eyes become my ‘mirror.

Can you not see this, too?

Night after night we are plagued by these images of brutality towards man—atrocities no further than the next town away.

Do you think by turning it ‘off’ it goes away?

“In our own lifetimes, we’ve seen it—in Rwanda and Burundi and we’ve seen it in other places where massacres of quite extraordinary brutality have taken place. And, in each one of these genocidal moments, in each one of these attempts of full genocide, in each of these examples was preceded by language being used again and again and again to dehumanize (another human) in the political eyes of their enemies.” – Stephen Fry

History is wrought with examples of man’s inhumanity towards man. Every decade, of every century—we bear witness to this tragedy. And yet, still we wonder—just how could this ever happen?

My darlings, humanity begins within. Every thought, every word, every outwardly action—is a conscious reflection of our willingness to take a stand; to offer ‘heart through helping hands’.

In a much greater sense, I believe we are all responsibility for securing humanity’s ‘safe passage’ on this earth, and to ensure that no living being ever wants for love.