Tag: squirrel

An Effort of Heart is Never Wasted.

I was sitting in the sun, waiting for my daughter, when a young squirrel scurried up next to me. I’ve been feeding them over the past several months – almonds, peanuts and bits of dried fruit.

He was curious, certainly – though the fear that normally predicated our encounters had dissipated. In its place, a sense of gratitude and oneness.

Mind you, it took several months of painstaking care to arrive at this moment. Every morning I’d grab a handful of nuts, leaving them in small piles against the fence – tucked away, using the junipers as ‘cover’.

Normally, they wait until I’ve pulled away to begin their scampered rush. Though today was somewhat differed, a sweet young soul ‘bowing’ before me with the warmth of appreciation in his eyes.

“I appreciate you”…these are the words we often say, though how often do we follow through? To take the time to nurture connection, even when our efforts may seem uncelebrated.

But for these moments right here and now…when the grey squirrel pauses to offer its thanks. Only then do we ever truly know, that an effort of heart is never wasted.

In peace, my sweet friends…

Namaste ❤️