Tag: Spirituality

The Calm Within Our Storm.

I watched a compelling video this weekend; group of scientists were conducting an experiment to determine the power of mind over the perception of circumstance.

In one room, participants donned a virtual reality headset as they sat upon a specially constructed movable sled. The video played was that of an extreme roller coaster ride, emulating a high speed chase through bends and twists.

Thoughled movements were slight, still the participants screamed; their minds unable to distinguish the suggestion from true reality. Their hypotheses, if proven, would demonstrate an unexpected effect: that of the minds role in anticipating events.

Call it dread, fear – or, more simply expectation; we cannot deny having at one point felt the same. The experience has yet to unfold, yet the sense is as sharp, nonetheless. In fact, we spend so much time locked in this anticipatory phase that we risk losing our connection to the ‘absolute present’. Is this perhaps the source of our unsettledness? A malady born of habitual reaction.

Even when offered insight into the experiment, participants maintained the same neurophysiological response – reacting in advance of each twist and turn.
Though, in the second phase of the experiment there was only one minor shift – participants were asked to focus on their breathing. To consciously slow where they felt a quickening; to allow the breath to serve as their ‘solid ground’.

With just this change alone, the results were visible and astonishing. In instances where participants had previously tensed, they were ultimately observed leaning in. Measurements indicated a marked release of physical tension.

Is it possible that these habits of mind might be so easily redefined? Retained to hold the essence of calm over any suggestion of fear.

There’s truly so much we cannot possibly know; including the manner and mechanism of our mind’s inner workings and the ever-present calm within our storm.

A little something to consider, my friends…

Namaste ❣️

Finding the Divine Within.

I once overheard a conversation between a young man and his guru.

“The purpose of religion is to find God,” the student proudly beamed.

“Not quite,” his teacher corrected. “The purpose of religion is to find ourselves, within which we shall find God.”

I don’t recall the conversation being specific to any given religion, rather -it was one intended to explore our spirituality as a whole; to emphasize and refine our engagement of this contemplative practice.

“I love the dark hours of my being,” Rilke shared. “My mind deepens into them. There I can find, as in old letters, the days of my life, already lived, and held like a legend, and understood.”

It is only through this darkness that we may begin to understand our light. And, with its softened ember – illuminate our world.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

A Letter to My Son.

 “Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.” ~  J.K. Rowling

My dearest, most darling son…

Today is the day, my dear…the one in which we have waited for all of our lives – and the one in which I worried over for so many sleepless nights.

It’s not always easy being a parent, but luckily…I had the blessing of children so rich in spirit and honor, that I dare say my job was made much easier. You were my single gift from all these heavens.

And, today I shall watch you walk alone onto this, your next path – and wondering, have I shared all the lessons and in just the right way?

As you were growing up, I worried over every scraped knee and every tumble and fall. And those late nights when the fever just wouldn’t break? I sat alone in the rocking chair next to your crib ~ hoping I might find the secret to becoming the best Mommy ever.

And, oh I made so many mistakes ~ and there were always things that I had wished we might do, but circumstances left us only with those wishes yet in our hearts. And those are the wishes that helped us as we found our way through – forming a bond, like none this earth might ever have known.

My dear, you’ll find in life the difficulties will make you stronger – that there is an indomitable strength of spirit that comes only by way of heart that won’t give in.

This is our blessing, now isn’t it? That in the end, and no matter what life’s challenge – my dear, we decide what fate might bring. And, we decide the life we shall live…

Every minute, and every moment – is ours to determine. And even in the face of the most dire of circumstances ~ my dear, know always that the heart shall find its way.

And, all of those moments spent wondering if you’ll ever be quite good enough? You’ll find there shall always be some bright spirit to help you find the courage.

My dear, thank you for the gift of your bright spirit ~ and for helping a young frightened girl become a great Mom.

I love you… to the moon and back… and if there should ever come a moment when you feel alone, and not so certain of self… you’ll need only to look to the stars, as my light will be shining down on you from above.

My dear, I am so very proud of you ~ for all that you are, and all that you’ve yet to become. And, may each new day be filled with the adventure you so very much have earned.



The Reminder of Dawn.

[blockquote source=”Mary Balogh”]”And yet day and night meet fleetingly at twilight and dawn, and their merging sometimes affords the beholder the most enchanted moments of all the twenty four hours.”[/blockquote]

I watched the sun rise today – a distant dawn hinting of lavender and faded peonies; while far off trees marked bold contrast between the waning night and this glorious new day.

And, further off, nestled deep within their stately limbs – a young robin, eager to sing his praises of Dawn

twiddle-oo twiddle-oo, twiddle-oo twiddle-oo…

There are moments within each day, my dears – little pockets stuffed full of the glistening magic of this universe. They have the capacity to soften even the most hardened of souls, to blast through these dusted corners we’ve kept so carefully sealed from the world.

To force us to fly open those shutters, and take in this light of a life, renewed.

It’s within these gentle moments, my dears – when the heart is muted to ego’s scolding, and we’re able to hear what our soul is seeking,

“Which will you choose?” the morning breeze begins, “a life distilled to routine’s ticking clock….or, are you bold enough to step into this light again?”

I’m always astonished when nothingness carries such great purpose;

To remind us that we are more soul than this body might ever hold…and, more heart than there is light in this world.

So, what will it be on this day? A hurried rush, or this magic of dawn?

The Dalai Lama: What This World Needs.

[blockquote source=”HH, the Dalai Lama”]“Today’s world requires us to accept the oneness of humanity. Many of the world’s problems, conflicts and fears arise because we have lost sight of the common experience that binds us all together as a human family.”[/blockquote]

I was thinking over a few things this morning, and as I settled into my most favorite chair on the farthest corner of my garden patio.

And, as I watched the steam rise in brilliant swirls to greet the crisp morning air—I couldn’t help but to think over all of this world’s ‘connectedness.’

From something as simple as watching the steam rise from my mug, I am reminded of the million and one simple things that bring us all here together as one…

We humans are a curious sort, always wallowing about in our loneliness —but, how can we feel so very much alone in a universe that insists upon our connectedness?

My dears, “just as the wave cannot exist for itself, but is ever a part of the heaving surface of the ocean” so, too, must we always remember that we are a most integral part of all that which surrounds us…

Because, my most beautiful friends, in the end—we are all, very much, ‘connected.’

Enjoy this most beautiful video from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in which he speaks about our common basic humanity. The clip is from his public talk entitled, “Be the Change” given in Inverness, Scotland, on June 23, 2012.

The entire talk can be viewed at http://youtu.be/qBHt02IocLI (www.dalailama.com)

Video: What this World Needs.