Tag: soul searching

What Do Your Secrets Reveal?

[blockquote source=”Rumi”]”The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you, do not go back to sleep.”[/blockquote]

I like to get up quite early these days; early enough to catch the dawn before the rest of the world has awakened.

I like to look out my window; to appreciate the stillness just as it is.

Without expectation…

Without judgement…

Without any inclination as to how my day might proceed.

In these moments, I surrender. I surrender to the soft calm. I surrender to the warmth of my mug. I surrender to the contented breath of my sleeping pup.

I surrender to all those secrets that might soon be revealed.

It’s within these moments that time seems oddly suspended;

“For still there are so many things
That I have never seen
In every wood in every spring
There is a different green.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

It’s all right here, my darlings…a ‘masterpiece’ painted in life’s greatest glory.

With only this voice to carry us here; sweet music to the soul-searching ear.