Tag: softened heart

This Blessing of Heart.

I remember listening to a lecture once given by American Buddhist nun, Pema Chodron. The topic was that of vulnerability, more specifically — maintaining fearlessness in uncertain times.

“When I was about six years old I received the essential bodhichitta teaching from an old woman sitting in the sun,” she shared. ‘I was walking by her house one day feeling lonely, unloved, and mad, kicking anything I could find. Laughing, she said to me, “Little girl, don’t you go letting life harden your heart.”

It marked the beginning of her lifelong appreciation and discourse regarding the role of attitude within more difficult circumstances.

“Little girl, don’t you go letting life harden your heart.”

Oh, my goodness – how often I’ve felt the very same thing. That no matter the perceived enormity of our challenges, there is always a choice to be made.

That is to say, we can either let these events to harden us — to cause us to become jaded against the wonders of this life and this world; OR — we can allow these situations to soften our hearts, to create a space for compassion to grow.

Facing that which frightens us can seem an insurmountable task. Though, it’s in these moments when we brush against our ‘edges’ that we realize our capacity to grow.

Instead of, as she terms it, building “protective walls made of opinions, prejudices, and strategies” to avoid being deeply hurt. We should, instead, gather the strength to deepen awareness, understanding and compassion for ourselves and others as we navigate through our bodhichitta process.

“The Buddha said that we are never separated from enlightenment,” she offers. “Even at the times we feel most stuck, we are never alienated from the awakened state.”

This is the wisdom, now isn’t it – my darlings. That even in the midst of our most uncertain times we are still empowered to choose.

“Little girl, don’t you go letting life harden your heart.”


Much love, my dearest darlings ~ wishing you the blessing of continuously softened heart.
