Tag: selfless

The Effortless Expansion of Humanity.

The decision to be of service is an easy one, my loves. To share our heart with those in need is an effortless extension of humanity. It helps to unify, to make ‘complete’ … and,

It’s what makes us ‘human.’

That we are able to connect, to empathize, to understand…to forgive.
Oh, now – that’s the peace; a cobbled off section of that which truly makes us whole.

Even as infants, we are mesmerized by the delicate shifting of patterns and shapes. Though we do not yet fully understand the depths of love, still we acknowledge its joy through smile to Mother.

And as we grow, we recognize it’s softened glow through the actions of others. We surrender ourselves to unknown spaces, yielding to much greater things.

All beginning with the most fundamental of intentions – that is, to be of service to another.

One moment, one choice…one simple action – yielding a lifetime of everlasting love.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

When Service is the Reward.

“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.” ― Shel Silverstein, The Giving Tree

Do you remember the story of the giving tree?

Written by author, Shel Silverstein, it offers a wondrous glimpse into the heart of selfless giving. More specifically, it invites children to explore what it really means to love.

“… and she loved a boy very, very much– even more than she loved herself.”

So often, we set out on our ‘loving path’ with expectation in hand. We want our love to be recognized, cherished and acknowledged – a spiritual ‘quid pro quo’, so to speak.

And, when we’re left with ‘nothing’ in return – our heart begins to break.

But, have we ever stopped to consider what giving really means?

Growing up, I was always encouraged to look for the sentiment beyond the gift; to understand, and appreciate, that the heart is intrinsically tied to the gesture.

In fact, the two are inseparable.

And yet, time after time we offer our ‘gifts’ – with an expectation that something must be returned.

No wonder so many feel somewhat bankrupted by this process. As, in their minds, they have given all that is left to give.

But, it’s not about keeping score.

I mean, after all, isn’t service is its own indisputable reward?

“I am sorry,” sighed the tree.
“I wish that I could give you something….
but I have nothing left.
I am just an old stump.
I am sorry….”

“I don’t need very much now,” said the boy.
“just a quiet place to sit and rest.
I am very tired.”

“Well,” said the tree, straightening
herself up as much as she could,
“well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting
Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest.”
And the boy did.

And the tree was happy.”