Tag: selfless love

A Selfless Sort of Love.

“The most treasured and sacred moments of our lives are those filled with the spirit of love.” ― Joseph B. Wirthlin

When I was a little girl, my teacher tried to explain the concept of ‘altruism.’

“There’s no such thing as a truly selfless act,” she offered. “As, in the end, there’s always a reason *why* we’re doing it.”

Even at just 8-years-old, I knew her explanation was suspect. But, lacking the skills and life experience to know – I simply left it, just at it was.

But, for years – I felt compelled to find the means to disprove her pessimism.

For me, I’ve always felt it possible to act in such a way that *is* completely selfless; to give of ourselves without expectation of return. To do, simply for the grace of loving-kindness.

I recently watched a TED talk given by Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetan monk turned activist. He was speaking, in part, on this topic of altruism. And, more specifically – that it *is* entirely possible to act without consideration of benefit or reward.

“There are people who had choice,” he explains. “like Pastor André Trocmé and his wife, and the whole village of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon in France.” Who, for the entire duration of the Second World War, provided a safe haven to over 3,500 Jews.

“Against all odds,” he adds “and, at the risk of their lives and those of their family.”

So altruism does in fact exist, my darlings. And, it is compelled by choice.

The choices made in grave to dire circumstances, the actions taken ‘against nearly impossible odds’ – every bit of which, is motivated by an inherently selfless love.

And, within this love, my dearest darlings – is the opportunity to create a better world.

Now, tell me – given the choice, what actions will you take on this day, my loves?