Tag: see

What Version Do You See?

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche once wrote that we see things as ‘versions’ of what they really are; our habits of mind gently obscuring the truth from harsher focus.

We wish them to be that which suits our will. Whether that view is one kindness and appreciation; gratitude for the blessing of a moment shared. Or, encompassing the legacy of a lasting pain; years of stories shared upon the pages of sorrow and isolation.

Either way, we can not experience as separate from our own sense of being. All of this life bears the influence of everything we are and dare hope to be.

Do you see sadness? Look again – can you not see the faces of those who love you unconditionally?

Like, me…

Always praying for the better course, and the ‘view’ which you grants you freedom.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️