Tag: restful heart

Offering a Space for Inner Peace to Grow.

[blockquote source=”Thich Nhat Hanh”]”The mind can go in a thousand directions.
But on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.”[/blockquote]

Oh, how easily we rest when we are surrounded by love. As if our hearts have never known the weight a worry might bring.

In this space, there are no troubles, no bothers…no unsettled-mess. Rather, only an awareness of this present moment.

In this space, we may finally feel the warmth of one extended hand.

“Breathing in, I am aware of breathing in. Breathing out, I am aware of breathing out.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

With each breath, we infuse this moment with loving-kindness, compassion, and equanimity. But more so, we open unconditionally to the energy of gratitude.

“This moment of gratitude is a moment of enlightenment, of mindfulness, of intelligence. It is a manifestation from the depths of your consciousness.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

This is the heart of the Buddha’s teachings.

That we begin each day with an attitude of acceptance, one capable of soothing even the deepest of wounds.

In doing so, we offer the space for our own inner peace to grow.

Oh, my darlings – can you just imagine…how a love like this might one day fill this world?