Tag: reality

What is Your Truth?

What is your heart’s yearning, my loves? What is it that inspires your hopes and your dreams – inviting belief into day?

But, more so…

What compels that cautionary pause born from an oft endless questioning?

As we begin to explore these thoughts, we come to understand the nature of their underlying energy. That which was once so invariably fixed becomes suddenly fluid, shifting to suit the needs of moment.

How much of what we believe is ‘real’? And, is it really true?

The Buddha taught that we must question these associations; to disentangle story from observation.

To be fully present for each experience, absent speculation and/or qualification of ‘goodness’. To relinquish our attachment to opinion. “It is always the false which makes you suffer…,” Nisargadatta once shared. “The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it.”

And in this way, allowing heart to serve as refuge.

We may never know the truth of our surroundings. Though, we will always know our truth within.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

Between These Two Realities.

What creates our reality, my loves?

Is it the boundaries maintained within this physical space, or an aspect much deeper still? Is it the memory of those whose love is now ‘past’, or – is it the yearning of what might possibly be.

In our hearts, we know the answer. We feel it through to our very core, and it is this essence which makes us human.

The scales shift at times absent a ‘reason’; the inner voice begs a measure of promise.

And, here we stand between the two — knowing the only true reality is the one within us.

“They take the images outside of them for reality,” offers poet, Hermann Hesse. “and never allow the world within to assert itself.”

My darlings, on this day I wish you the blessing of knowing your one true reality, and the courage to engage this boundlessness within.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️