Tag: poetry

Just These Words.

There’s a limitation, always, to that which can be placed into words. Though, we may try our best to capture sentiment – there will always be an aspect ‘missing’. For, truth of heart requires so much more…

In our lives there will be moments; moments which may require access to a deeper plane. Far beyond our current awareness, and into the realm of a silent knowing.

In this space, formlessness beckons to greater expanse; and our awakening begins where the clinging ends.

Perhaps then, words are merely a wedge – a catalyst for hope, and further understanding?

After all, it is the inner bond which draws together that which can not be placed into words.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️

In This Light, We Dance.

Life is an ever changing prism, my loves – a casting of light through shards of ‘broken’ glass.

Within which we find our faith restored, an offering of love beyond imagination.

Even through misted fog, the colors dance – revealing the promise of newfound perspective.

It is the mind which freezes to physical form that which is intended to be free-flowing.

And, who are we to dare to to presume or qualify the goodness of Divine?

We find ourselves within these castings, a cherishing of life through subtlety of vision.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Like a Cottage in the Woods.

There’s a cottage along a trail in the woods. I stop there often – simply to admire the placement of stone amidst the mortared wall.

She stands beneath a veil of softened moss, her will outlasting a centuries long song…and, weathering of winds.

Though, she’s proud – she’s grateful more so for the capacity to feel these depths of humbled grace.

Knowing ‘the best’ remains for all to see.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Copyright 2016 Tara Lemieux

For This, We Pray.

My darlings, today a simple phrase – a reminder of what matters most of all. From poet William Wordsworth:

“The best portion of a good man’s life: his little, nameless unremembered acts of kindness and love.”

Today, I pray…

That we may each infuse kindness throughout every single deed; that love may prove worthier than the stories we keep.

That the legacy of bold may serve as balm to the weak, as empathy soothes the heart of the embittered.

Let indifference find no respite here; rather, tolerance, acceptance, equanimity and peace.

“Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be…”

My darlings, I pray that love may be our every hour.

In peace…

Namaste <3

Saying “Yes” to this World.

[blockquote source=”Tara Brach”]”Saying Yes is not a way of manipulating our experience but rather an aid to opening to life as it is.” [/blockquote]

Give all of your love to this day, my darlings. Squeeze it out as you would a dampened cloth, letting life’s goodness drip against your face.

The time is now, darlings – and, there’s no better moment than this one right here.

To open our hearts to this essence of life, and offer a great big resounding “YES” to this world.

 “Saying Yes to this World”


Is the splash of berry through softened green,

And, the hanging wisps of Wisteria trees.

It is the glistening of the morning dew,

That adorns the earth in brilliant jewel.


Is the sultriness of the Summer rose,

and, the hint of Honeysuckle on an evening stroll.

It’s that brush of Forsythia’s against faded trim,

And, the bursting blooms of Magnolia limb.


Is the pageantry of painted Peonies,

Posted proudly o’er their mid-day tea;

It’s the hushed crescendo of cricket’s bow,

The brisk staccato of the Woodpecker’s ‘show’.

And, as I settle back into this old porch swing,

I see…

That these are the gifts my ‘yes’ will bring.

This Path to Awakening.

“Soon you will notice how stones shine underfoot.
Eventually tides will be the only calendar you believe in…

And someone’s face, whom you love, will be as a star
Both intimate and ultimate,
And you will be heart-shaken and respectful.
And you will hear the air itself, like a beloved whisper:

‘Oh let me, for a while longer, enter the two
Beautiful bodies of your lungs…’

Look, and look again.
This world is not just a little thrill for your eyes.

It’s more than bones.
It’s more than the delicate wrist with its personal pulse.
It’s more than the beating of a single heart.
It’s praising.
It’s giving until the giving feels like receiving.

You have a life – just imagine that!
You have this day, and maybe another, and maybe
Still another…

We do one thing or another; we stay the same or we change.
Congratulations if you have changed.

Let me ask you this.
Do you also think that beauty exists for some fabulous reason?

And if you have not been enchanted by this adventure—your life—
what would do for you?

Since then I have gone out from my confinements, though with difficulty

I mean the ones that are thought to rule my heart.
I cast them out, I put them on the mush pile.
They will be nourishment somehow (everything is nourishment somehow or another).

And I have become the child of the clouds, and of hope.
I have become the friend of the enemy, whoever that is.
I have become older and, cherishing what I have learned,
I have become younger.

And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know?
Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world” ― Mary Oliver

My darlings, perhaps one of my most favorite poems from author, Mary Oliver – and, capturing so eloquently our place in this life.

Whether it’s the sweetness of a hummingbird pausing just a moment longer, or the thrilling contrast of sunflowers against the far off black oaks…her imagery has the power to captivate, and steal even the most hardened heart away.

[blockquote]And you will hear the air itself, like a beloved whisper…”[/blockquote]

Indeed, to escape the limits of these self-imposed confinements – to disentangle ourselves from the threadings of these ‘hooks’ – is, to finally be at one with this world.

To cast away that which is thought to rule our heart, in place of an open-minded wonderment.

When we are able to observe deeply in this way – our connection to this world becomes unbreakable.

My darlings, this is the path to our spiritual awakening; and this…is the true heart of the bodhisattva warrior.

And what do I risk to tell you this, which is all I know?
Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world