Tag: persistence

Finding Our Truth Between the Two.

It’s an odd balance, isn’t it – this paradigm between patience and persistence.

On one hand, we have the energy of patience – soft, malleable, willing; a testimony to our acceptance of things just as they are.

And, on the other – is persistence, which is far more deliberate in its focus; representing our capacity to hold steady to our intentions.

But, wherever shall these two finally meet?

As Buddhists, we’re taught the necessity of patience; to recognize its place in helping to find the spaciousness within our suffering.

As Buddhists, we’re taught the necessity of patience. We recognize it’s capacity to help us find the spaciousness within our suffering. To accept our place, just as it is – without condition, without expectation, without so much worry. It’s the nurturing aspect of finding our way through.

Whereas, persistence is more deliberate, isn’t it? Requiring attention, focus, and intention. It forces our energy to the confines of ‘path’ – demanding that we act in a manner that is supportive to purpose.

One, to push; the other, to pull. And, somewhere between the two… is you.

“Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience,” shares author Hal Borland. “Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.”

I think the ‘mistake’ (if you will), is trying to view the two as separate. When, in fact, the two are inseparably intertwined.

That is to say…

With patience, we’re able to find our purpose; and with persistence, we’re able to find our way through.

One, to push; the other, to pull… and betwixt the two, we find our truth.

A little something to consider on this day, my loves ~ namaste.