Tag: perfect

Our Most Perfect Form.

“Looking deeply into a flower we see…the whole cosmos has come together in order to help the flower manifest herself. The flower cannot be by herself alone. The flower has to interbe with the sunshine, the cloud and everything in the cosmos.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Indeed, the flower is so much more than her petals alone.

She is the sun, she is the clouds, she is the earth, she is the rain. She is the delicacy of her fragrance infused upon these winds. And, the way in which her pattern breaks against the moonlit path.

She is the memory of a first kiss. Of love lost, and found again. Why, it’s as if the whole of the Universe has conspired to share with us, her grace.

My darlings, she is all and everything except a separate self.

And, aren’t we much the same? Our human forms comprised of elements – “the subtle, the very-hard-to-see…the exquisite, bliss, (and) solace, the wonderful, the marvelous.”

My darlings, we are all of this, as well….

We are a timeless masterpiece of this magnificent Universe in this, its most perfect form.