Tag: peaceful nonviolence

To Become Part of Goodness.

In his book, Courage in Both Hands, a collection of stories about non-violent heroes, Allan Hunter wrote:

“The highest and most important thing in us and in those we oppose is the capacity to see goodness and become part of it. The darkness within is strong. Granted. But the light is stronger. Ultimately anyway. And that light—not our despair or the fury that defies it—is our Center of reference.”

Indeed, to see the goodness and become part of it—even when it defies the logic of our ‘thinking brain’—my darlings, this is the most humbling of endeavors.

Someone causes injury, and our instinct is revenge. But, have we stopped to consider that their heart may be suffering, too?

In his poignant essay, Call Me by My True Names, Thich Nhat Hanh shares the story of a young refugee, who – at just twelve years old – fled by small boat in pursuit of a new life beyond the high seas. Sadly, she never made it…captured and killed just days later by sinister pirates.

“When you first learn of something like that,” he said “you get angry at the pirate. You naturally take the side of the girl. Though, as you look more deeply you will see it differently.”

These are the moments in which our compassion is most tested—and, in our struggle to make sense, we sometimes lose sight of love.

In looking deeper, we might see the conditions which have served as the root of this suffering—a war-torn village, impoverished conditions, a lack of fundamental care.

My darlings, it is only through this deepened understanding – that we might finally create a space for peace in this world.

And, though it may seem an impossible task – know this,

It is this fearless outward expression of love, which creates the foundation for our greatest happiness.