Tag: opening

As We Are Revealed.

There’s an aspect of suffering, my loves – an unyielding, brazen closing in. Causing our skin to crawl with worry, an uncomfortability that knows no end.

In the midst of which, we might curse our circumstance; feeling a subjective unfairness beneath the weight of it all

Ram Dass once spoke of stretching our awareness; embracing it all such that we may become ‘more human.’ Though, there’s a fear which permeates our letting go, relinquishment proving the harder task.

Consciously, we may wish for a spiritual expansion – though, in standing at the edge our feet may freeze. In an instant, we become ‘victims’ of our own debilitating fear.

As Ram Dass teaches, becoming human involves both animal and the divine. It’s not always rose petals and silken thread. Though, the grittiness is where the true journey begins – revealing aspects of self perhaps previously discouraged.

We are empowered through a reciprocity of being; we find purpose through this continuous unfolding.

Just as the breaking of dawn expands the intricacies of day, so too…are we similarly revealed.

In peace, my loves…

Namaste ❤️

Letting the Lesson Unfold.

I watched a young man once by the water’s edge; his heart seemed weighted by the troubles of ‘world’ as he slunk further still into unrest.

Looking up, he sighed and said, “It’s the only place I can feel at home.” As if I’d dare to judge another wooded path soul.

He went on to explain his most recent trouble — the loss of job, the wounded heart and a spouse who ‘just didn’t understand.’ All leading him to this moment, right here.

I could see it in his eyes; a forever sort of searching – desperate to know the sanctity of inner peace.

“It’s not out there,” I smiled. Even though he was looking outward, I knew – his focus was locked within.

So often we view our lives in terms of an unwavering absolute –“If not this, then I could never be happy.” We lock in, unwilling to allow the heart’s expanse. We forget the greater aspect of being human.

Alexander Graham Bell once wrote that when one door closes, another opens. But that we often spend so much time looking regrettably upon the closed, that we fail to see the blessing of a new path, eager to unfold.

In these moments, we are pulled from the luxury of gratitude into a space where we are unwilling to forgive even ourselves. We harden our hearts just as its true growth begins.

“‘If we want there to be peace in the world,” shares Pema Chodron. “we have to be brave enough to soften what is rigid in our hearts, to find the soft spot and stay with it. We have to have that kind of courage and take that kind of responsibility. That’s the true practice of peace.”

We talked, he and I, for just over an hour. By the end, I could feel his energy softening – malleable to the lesson as it needed to be shared.

In peace…

Namaste ❤️