Tag: oneness

The Mutuality of Our Experience.

A homeless man gave me a hug today. “You make my everyday special,” he said grinning. Then paused for a moment simply to say, “Some people have the gift of a worldly smile.”

We know each other just in passing. In total, less than a hundred words – but, enough to know the need. The kindness of ‘smile’, the warmth of ‘touch’ – a gesture of commonality amidst the rustling of humanity.

To some, passings are marked with a cruel hesitance – a disservice to self, as well as, to others. With implications larger than thoughts may assess; a disparity of contrast where community is needed.

And, ever always this lasting heart – which sets aside what past imparts. Knowing each has felt their ‘hour of need’, in spite of the circumstances which led us there.

In this we find our shared experience; the blessing of oneness in a world of many.

We are more than our thoughts, we are action in the end.

In peace, my darlings- thank you for being the source of my ‘everyday smile.’

Namaste ❤️

The Art of Being.

“The flower does not try to become the sun; it already is the sun. It does not try to become a tulip; it already contains the qualities of tulip within it. When you achieve this insight, you stop suffering. We suffer because we want to deny ourselves. We want to become something else, and so…we never stop running.”

Oh my goodness, what an inspirational passage this morning by the venerable Thích Nhất Hạnh. That is to say, in life we have realistically just two options – to learn to be still, or to simply run away.

In running away, we lose the opportunity to connect with our heart, and understand its interrelationship with all living beings.

It is, perhaps, our most sacred discovery – to uncover the very essence of ‘connection.’

My darlings, we shouldn’t feel compelled to be the sun – as, we are *already* the sun. Filled with the fire of one thousand Universes, with the mission of ‘just simply being.’

Now, isn’t that simply the most wondrous release? That we are all and everything, at once – with no need to be anything but ‘me.’

It’s time to look deeply, my darlings. To take pause, to consider – to breathe.

“Everyday we are engaged in a miracle which we don’t even recognize.” he writes. “a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child – our own two eyes. All is a miracle.”

My darlings, it’s about time you opened your eyes…. and realized…

That you are both beautiful…AND…you are loved.
