Tag: observer

In Finding Freedom.

When I first entered mindfulness training, I approached it as a means to ‘end my suffering.’ I wanted to be free of debilitating emotions – fear, loneliness, anger, unrest.

So much so, that these emotions became the center point of my focus. In doing so, I allowed them the space to deepen their roots.

“What you pay attention to grows,” shares Geneen Roth. And, it’s true.

Though, quite certainly inadvertent – still, we sacrifice our freedom for yet another spiritual chain. Thus, further bound by that which we are trying so desperate to escape.

And then one day I realized – there is no ‘escape’ from the suffering we experience. Rather, we must learn to look into and ultimately transform the energy of our pain.

As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches: without suffering, there can be no happiness. So we mustn’t be so discriminatory against the ‘mud’, rather we must learn to embrace with a soul-filling tenderness.

In time, perhaps we may successfully transition – from the role of ‘willful actor’ to that of ‘mindful observer.’

“What can we do transform our deep-rooted seeds of suffering?” he asks.

We may open to their lesson, instead of being limited by it.

A little something to consider, my friends…

With blessings of peace and love…

Namaste ❤️