Tag: lovingkindness

A Love Just Like This.

My darlings, imagine a feeling of love greater than any you’ve ever felt before. A love which washes effortlessly over, bringing a warmth to our often wintered vision.

That’s the imagery created by author and spiritualist, Ram Dass, in his article, “The Entrance to Oneness.”

“This is your deeper heart, your intuitive heart,” he shares. “It is the place where the higher mind, pure awareness, the subtler emotions, and your soul identity all come together and you connect to the universe, where presence and love are.”

And, it is neither action, nor emotion; rather, a lovingness that just simply is.

This is our ‘entrance to oneness’, my loves – a space where the trappings of thinking mind are replaced by an unconditional joy; where love may exist unchallenged – and, where we are, at once, connected to our own inner peace.

My darlings, can you imagine a love just like this?

“This love is like sunshine,” he continues. “a natural force, a completion of what is, a bliss that permeates every particle of existence. It’s a different state of being beyond the mind.”

Perhaps, that is why love is so difficult to define? As, it’s impossible to distinguish from our connection to others?

And, reminding us – that we are loved ‘simply for existing.’

A little something to consider on this day, my darlings. And a wish for a moment to imagine a love just like this.